PNBA Bodybuilder Mitch Jarvis Uncovers Mind-blowing Leg Transformation

PNBA bodybuilder Mitch Jarvis unfolds what lead to his dumbfounding leg transformation.
Let’s face it; it’s common for many lifters to skimp out on leg day. But experienced lifters, exceptionally professional natural bodybuilders, know that’s a big no-no. Your legs will add more mass to your frame and improve your other lifts. Plus, your legs host the most significant muscle in your body – the gluteus maximus (butt). How do you get your legs to grow, though? Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) natural bodybuilder Mitch Jarvis uploaded an astonishing leg transformation picture on social media and explained how he was able to make his legs grow to such an extent.
Mitch Jarvis is a British PNBA bodybuilder who was the runner-up at the PNBA World Championships in 2021. He also competes with the United Kingdom Drug-Free Bodybuilding Association (UKDFBA), where he was a champion in 2020 and 2021.
On Instagram (IG), Mitch Jarvis posted an IG post of a side-by-side comparison of his leg growth and explained how he gained so much muscle mass. Jarvis said:
“Weak body part? Prioritise it! Hit it first, hit it hard & hit it more often. This is what I did for legs; at one point I was squatting 3x per week, always at the start of the session and progressively adding weight/reps (with deloads sprinkled in of course!)”
PNBA natural bodybuilder Mitch Jarvis developed significant muscle mass in his legs by adding more volume to his workouts. He also utilized the progressive overload principle by ensuring he added weight/reps to his squats each week, combined with periodical deload weeks.
Below you can see his leg photo comparison on IG.
What Are Some of the Best Leg Transformation Exercises?
Of course, you don’t want to exclude squats from your leg training regime—many regard squats as the king of all exercises. Squats are a compound movement–targeting multiple joints at a time–allowing you to load heavy weights on a barbell to target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Back squats will target more of your posterior chain (glutes, hamstring), and the front squats will target your anterior chain (quads).
You’ll also want to include isolation–single-joint–leg exercises in your training plan that specifically engage your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. For example, try machine seated leg extensions for your quads and machine seated leg curls to target your hamstrings.
Furthermore, barbell hip thrusts are a great exercise to grow your glutes. And Bulgarian split squats are an excellent unilateral leg exercise–a single-limb–workout to emphasize your quads and glutes. Plus, they engage your core and stability muscles since they are unilateral exercises.
Natural Bodybuilding
Natural bodybuilding is progressively growing with the International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/PNBA league. The INBA PNBA is the largest natural bodybuilding federation with athletes from over 60 countries. In addition, they host the biggest natural bodybuilding competition in the world each year, Natural Olympia.
The INBA PNBA gives natural athletes an opportunity for growth and promotion through multi-media contracts. And they make competition fair and look out for the health of their athletes by requiring all competitors to get drug-screened through World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) variant labs.
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