Calum Von Moger Takes Down Posters of Arnold Schwarzenegger in His Gym

Calum Von Moger Is No Longer a Fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger After Recent Comments
Calum von Moger has long been an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan. Some may even argue that Calum owes a great deal to Arnold in terms of the legend motivating him. But there comes a time when everyone has to stand strong on their morals. It appears that Calum has reached that point.
After recent comments made in an interview, Arnold Schwarzenegger has sparked the ire of many in the fitness and bodybuilding community. In the interview there is a segment in which Arnold says “Screw Your Freedom” in regards to those issuing concerns about the current global crisis. Many expressed apprehension about wearing masks or taking the vaccine and Arnold says that their decisions could be potentially harmful to others around them. But the state about disregarding a person’s freedom appears to have rubbed people the wrong way.
Hard Decisions
As such Calum von Moger has been completely turned off by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Due to his comments, much like Brian Shaw, Calum von Moger has decided to take down posters of Arnold Schwarzenegger from his gym. Calum commented on the subject in his stories.
“I’ve always been a big fan of Arnold’s,” said Calum von Moger. “I grew up watching his movies and he inspired me to get into bodybuilding and competing and everything. But the Arnold that we knew then is different from the Arnold that we see today.”
“Unfortunately I made the decision to remove all of his posters off of my wall and chuck them out because recently in an interview he… I think it was just a poor choice in words but quote ‘screw your freedom’ was what he said, and I can’t support someone that doesn’t support our freedom. So I’m no longer a fan. Sorry Arnold.”
Calum von Moger also made a post about the issue.
I’ll always remember the Arnold that inspired us to train hard, believe in ourselves and follow our dreams. But I can no longer support the Arnold that speaks to us today.
I say, fight for your freedom.
What do you think of the fallout from these recent comments?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.