10 Testosterone Facts You Can’t Afford Not Knowing

10 Testosterone Facts You Can’t Afford Not Knowing
Ask a brofessor to choose between $10,000 prize money or an optimal testosterone level throughout his lifting career, and he will most probably select the latter. Testosterone is one of the most talked-about and yet misunderstood hormones in gym circles.
Whether you join a gym to build muscle mass or lose weight, chances are you will have the word “testosterone” thrown at you at least once. There is just no escaping it. Before you get swayed by broscientists into doing things you will later regret, you should equip yourself with the correct knowledge about testosterone.
10 Important Facts
1. It Makes You A Man
Testosterone is responsible for:
- Facial hair growth
- Building muscle mass
- Deepening of the voice
- Development of the sexual organs, sperm production, and libido
- Improving bone density
- Fat Distribution
- Red blood cell production
For men, testosterone production happens in the testicles. Although test is a male hormone, women produce small quantities of the hormone in the ovaries for optimal body functioning.
Low T-levels in men can cause mood swings, a decrease in bone density, muscle mass. It can also result in body fat gain, hair loss, depression, low sex drive, fatigue, and irritability.
2. Fix Your Diet
Fixing your diet is one of the most efficient ways to improve your testosterone levels naturally. Broccoli, oysters, strawberries, tuna, and egg yolks are some of the best test-boosting superfoods.
You can also improve your T-levels by limiting your alcohol intake, losing weight, and working out regularly. Cutting out junk food from your diet can also spike your T-levels.
3. Boost Your T-Levels By Staying Single
An Italian study found that men who had recently (within the previous six months) fallen in love had lower levels of testosterone compared with those who had not.
On the other hand, women in the same study group showed higher testosterone levels. The research points us towards two conclusions:
- Men face a higher degree of stress in a new relationship.
- Women are the real boss.
4. Make It Rain
Research conducted at the University of Utah found that testosterone levels in men rise when their favorite sports team wins. Another study showed earning money had the same test-boosting effect in men.
These studies show the correlation between self-esteem and testosterone. A study found that watching porn also caused a 35% testosterone spike in males. Before you head off to watch a few manly videos for “research purposes,” we recommend reading this article until the end for more T-boosting wisdom.
5. Age Is Not An Excuse
Younger people usually consider themselves immune to low testosterone levels. Men of any age can have low T-levels, especially if they have encountered damage to their testes or pituitary gland in the past. Type-2 diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea are also known to be the causes for low testosterone levels in men.
Some people mistakingly think of testosterone as the fountain of youth. Testosterone therapy will do nothing for the 75-80% of men over 65 who have normal T-levels. However, men with below-normal levels might see a boost in sexual drive and bone density from supplemental testosterone.
6. Fun Fact About Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Arnold Berthold, a German zoo curator, observed the earliest form of testosterone replacement therapy in 1849 on castrated roosters.
The roosters stopped fighting, crowing and their combs did not grow. These chickens were back to their old selves as soon as their testes were reconnected.
We guess the new-age Arnold Berthold would conduct the same experiment inside the UFC octagon.
7. Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels
But how do you know if you are encountering low testosterone levels? Some of the most common symptoms include:
- Erectile dysfunction or problems developing or maintaining an erection
- Fewer spontaneous erections
- Increased body fat
- Rapid hair loss
- Decreased libido
- Infertility
- Reduced muscle mass
- Persistent fatigue
- Enlarged breasts in men
- Sleep disturbance
These symptoms could also be the result of other medical conditions. While encountering one or a few of these signs might not be a symptom of low T-levels, you should consult a doctor to identify the underlying cause.
8. Causes of Low Testosterone Levels
- Testicular failure
- Damage to the testes (from physical trauma, alcoholism, or viral illnesses)
- Hypothalamic disease or tumor
- Pituitary disease or tumor
- Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels
- Genetic diseases including Klinefelter, Kalimantan, or Prader-Willi syndromes
- Being overweight or obese
- Drugs or anabolic steroids
9. Normal Testosterone Levels
Generally, the normal test range in males is about 270-1070 per deciliter (ng/dL) with an average level of 679 ng/dL. About 40% of men over age 45 will have levels that come in below that range.
Testing for T-levels is not as easy as it might sound. Your results will vary depending on the time you get your tests done because your stress levels can fluctuate throughout the day.
Normal testosterone ranges are based on morning samples when the average person is at a higher test level. Afternoon tests may give a false impression of low testosterone levels.
You must consult your doctor and decide a time that best suits your lifestyle. Most doctors recommend getting your testosterone check-ups done between 7-10 a.m.
Testosterone levels are hard to analyze. Even if your testosterone levels are below the average 679 ng/dL, you still might not have to worry. Most doctors say that reading between 200-300 ng/dL is a gray area.
10. Eat The Greens
Vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale are rich in magnesium, a mineral that might increase the body’s testosterone levels. A 2011 study found that using magnesium supplements for four weeks prompted an increase in testosterone levels of physically inactive participants.
We are sure one of your vegan friends have already told you this, but here it is again – vegan men tend to have higher testosterone levels than both meat-eaters and vegetarians.
Bonus: Low Testosterone Treatment
If you have low testosterone levels, you should begin by making necessary adjustments to your lifestyle. Most men who lose 7%-10% of their body weight see their T-levels improve.
Fixing your diet, working out, drinking less booze, not smoking, getting a good night’s sleep, reducing stress can help maintain healthy test levels.
If nothing seems to work, you could consider testosterone therapy. You could get extra doses of the hormone in the following ways:
- Patches
- Gels and creams
- Injections
- Tablets
- Pellets
Do you think vegans have higher test levels than meat-eaters?
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