Gym Girl Inspiration: How To Jumpstart Your Transformation (+ 10 Instagram Hottest Fit Girls)

If it weren’t for the fit girls, Instagram wouldn’t be what it is today. In other words, Mark Zuckerberg owes a lot of his success to female fitness Instagram celebrities. Maybe he too gets in a little gym girl inspiration before heading to work every morning, who knows?
The best part about fit gym girls on the Gram, you ask?
Not only are the female Instagram athletes aesthetically appealing and a treat to look at, but most of them are constantly putting out content to motivate their followers to kickstart their own transformation journies.
Beginning Your Transformation Journey
For most people, scrolling through Instagram can lead to sensory pleasure. According to research, it is one of the reasons why it can be so addictive.
On the other hand, Instagram can also have a negative psychological impact. As per a study, looking at photos of perfectly chiseled goddesses can hurt your body image and self-esteem. We are sorry to report this but your favorite Instagram gym girl is causing this too.
Let’s take a quick test to check if fit girls are causing you to procrastinate your body transformation, shall we?
Open the Instagram app on your phone and scroll for 10-seconds. Was most of your feed graced by photos and reels of bikini-clad gym girls? Is “train regularly” a constant on your new year’s resolution every year, but you cannot find the time or motivation to work out?
If you found yourself nodding to both the questions above, fit girls are probably one of the reasons behind your inaction.
Related: The Hottest Legs on Instagram
How To Jumpstart Your Transformation
Looking at picture-perfect gym girl physiques can be intimidating. It can leave you feeling hopeless. Many people never start their body transformation because the workouts they see online look terrifying.
At the same time, you might feel ready to begin a body transformation but not know where to start. If you are one of these people, the buck stops for you today.
Feeling unprepared and anxious before starting a physique transformation is normal. Every pro athlete had to start somewhere. In fact, many successful bodybuilders started lifting because of their body insecurities.
As they say, the best time to start working out was five years ago. The second best is now.
Must Read: 5 Reasons Why Your Transformation Isn’t Working
This is how you can achieve your dream physique:
1. Get the Fundamentals Right
Do not worry. We will not ask you to get under a bar and squat on your first day. In fact, it is the most common rookie mistake. Instead of “diving right in,” you should “ease into” the fitness lifestyle.
i. Check-Up
Before you start training and gulping down fancy supplements, you should invest in learning more about your body. We highly recommend seeing a doctor for a complete physical and blood work-up.
While your physician might not be the best person to recommend a physique transforming diet or training plan, she is the best person to consult about things you should stay away from.
Keeping a record of your cholesterol and triglycerides, blood pressure, fasting glucose, and bone density can go a long way in helping transform your physique.
ii. Clean Your Cupboards
While your gym girl fitspo might enjoy a glass of red wine and pizza every once in a while, you should know that she probably does not have that stuff stocked at her home.
There is a famous saying in the fitness industry, “what is in your cupboard will eventually end up in your stomach.” So, give away all the sodas, cookies, candy, ice creams, and snacks and stock up on healthy whole foods.
Having junk food around in your house can tempt you into making poor food choices. Delete the food ordering apps from your phone and distance yourself from unhealthy eating as much as possible.
Next Read: Your Transformation Can Never Be Successful Without These 6 Things
iii. Stock Up on the Good Stuff
If you are serious about transforming your physique, stock up on the following food items:
a. Pantry
- Nuts
- Olive oil
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Sweet potatoes
- Spices
- Whole-grain cereals
- Natural nut butter
- Sesame seeds
- Brown rice
- Canned tuna
- Salmon
b. Fridge
- Water
- Chicken breast
- Greek yogurt
- Low-sodium soy sauce
- Egg whites
- Low-fat milk
- Fresh fruits
- Turkey
- Salsa
- Mustard
Although your specific grocery items can vary depending on your diet program, the food items mentioned above can provide you with a balanced blend of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.
Also, when we say “good stuff,” we are not just referring to healthy food (or weed), but other areas of your life as well, including mental and social. Replace the negative self-talk with positive statements and watch your body transform.
The company you keep during your transformation period can also influence your results. So, surround yourself with people who are on a similar path as you, and maybe avoid your buddies who like getting shit-faced every weekend.
Watch: The Best And Worst Bodybuilding Foods
2. Find the Motivation Within
Crushing on a gym girl can only take you so far. You cannot achieve (and maintain) your dream physique if you lack intrinsic motivation. Figure out why you want to transform your body, plan how you will do it, and act on it. That is how you can stick to a fit lifestyle in the long run.
Related: The Best Gym Motivation Videos of All Time
i. You are Your Own Competition
Many newbies make the mistake of comparing their progress with other people. While Instagram can be a great place to seek gym girl inspiration, it can also be the biggest source of discouragement.
Remember: No two people are the same. Different people will take different amounts of time to show similar progress. Stay patient, and you are bound to see results.
ii. Injuries Should Not Hold You Back
Injuries are a common excuse for delaying one’s transformation journey. Make no mistake, if you are suffering from a serious condition, you should listen to your doctor and follow her advice. But if a muscle sprain or popping joints are your excuses for missing your workout, you are not fooling anyone.
If you follow pro bodybuilders, you would know that many of them train through injuries while prepping for a show. If you are a noob, you should take a professional’s help to train around your injuries.
iii. Start With Light Beginner Workouts
Remember what we said about easing in and not diving in?
The fitness lifestyle is not a sprint. It is more of a marathon. If you want to transform your physique with a focus on improving your health and longevity, you should focus on sticking with your training and nutrition program for the long term.
Since most pro athletes and gym girls post their workout routines online, many beginners follow them in hopes of speeding up their transformation.
If you are a rookie, following Kris Gethin’s 12-week transformation program or any other advanced program is not the best idea. Following an advanced program increases your odds of getting injured while training.
3. Plan to Succeed
As Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail.”
Body transformation is serious business. You need a solid plan to achieve your goals.
Disclaimer: “I will build abs in 4 weeks because my favorite gym girl said she likes them” is not a valid plan.
While planning your transformation, you need to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
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4. Set Goals
The scale and mirror are good, but they do not tell the whole story. Fitness is about more than looking good. Your goal should be to be healthy and functional at optimal levels.
Apart from setting monumental goals for yourself, have small goals that you can tick off every week. The feeling of achieving your goal can motivate you to stay on track.
For example, do not limit your goal to “reach 10% body fat in 6 months”. You might lose motivation after a few weeks as there is no urgency involved. Instead, set smaller goals like “run 1K and plank for 5 minutes every day for 1 week.”
5. Go For the Kill
Once you have all the pre-requisites in place, you need to put in everything you have got. Discipline and persistence are key ingredients for a successful physique transformation.
You need to ensure that you never miss a meal or workout session. While training hard and eating right are important, pros value their recovery program just as much. You break muscle in the gym and put on size and strength during deep sleep. You need to sleep for at least six hours every night to ensure optimal recovery after your workouts.
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6. Access and Reassess
Accessing your progress after every few weeks is indispensable for staying on track with your goals. If you feel you are on the right path, keep going. On the other hand, if you are not satisfied with your results, evaluate your transformation program and make necessary adjustments.
Over and above that, there is a constant inflow of new information in the fitness world. New experiments and studies are being conducted routinely. Limiting yourself to a few training techniques can result in you hitting a plateau or getting bored and quitting the fit lifestyle.
To sum it up, always be on the lookout for new ways to achieve alpha in the gym.
10 Instagram Hottest Fit Girls | Gym Girl Inspiration
These 10 gym girls rule Instagram:
1. Michelle Lewin
Michelle Lewis is the Instagram gym girl OG. She has over 14 million followers and shows no signs of slowing down. Lewin has her roots in modeling and realized her full potential after starting training. From winning IFBB shows, featuring in music videos to being on the cover of magazines, Michelle Lewin has done it all.
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2. Krissy Cela
Krissy’s girl-next-door looks and perfectly toned physique make her one of the most popular gym girls on Instagram. She regularly posts her workouts on her page for others to follow.
3. Yanet Garcia
“The Mexican Weather Girl” is an actress, model, certified health coach, and trainer. There is nothing Yanet cannot do. She is also on Onlyfans if that’s what you were wondering.
Check Out: WCW: Bask In The Beautiful Glory of the Fit and Sexy Yanet Garcia
4. Lauren Simpson
Lauren Simpson posts one of the most detailed workout videos and posts on the list. The fit gym girl’s Instagram handle is a must-follow if you are always short on workout ideas or recipes.
5. Caitlin Turner
If you are into yoga, you cannot go wrong with following Caitlin Tuner. She is an avid traveler who will get you trying new asanas in no time.
6. Anllela Sagra
Anllela Sagra is probably the most ripped gym girl on the list. Her shredded abdomen can put many pro bodybuilders to shame. Sagra has multiple figure contest wins under her belt.
Related: The Anllela Sagra Diet For The Perfect Physique
7. Emily Skye
Skye is the founder of the F.I.T. (Fitness Inspiration Transformation) program, and her Instagram feed is full of how-to workout videos and photos of her chiseled physique. The Australian fitness model is well-known for her no-nonsense approach to dieting, training, and living a healthy life.
Also, for people looking for pregnancy-friendly workout routines, Emily has got you covered with her recent journey to motherhood.
8. Jen Setler
Jen Setler rose to fame with her belfies. She has one of the best buts on the internet. Setler routinely puts out glute training videos for her fans to follow.
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9. Ana Cheri
Ana Cheri is one of the hottest gym girls of all time. Her drop-dead gorgeous looks, hourglass physique, and intense workout videos make her one of the most popular fitness celebrities on the internet. Ana is a former Playboy Playmate and has been featured in many big publications.
10. Karina Elle
Karina was a competitive cheerleader and Cross Country runner for the majority of her life. She’s also a winner of the World Fitness Federation Pro Bikini Championship.
While we can understand gazing at the goddesses on your phone might be the best part of your day, but do not use that as an excuse to stay in bed all day long.
Channel that energy and motivation, and use the steps mentioned above to achieve the physique of your dreams. We cannot promise that carving your goal body will be easy, but it will totally be worth it.
Who is your favorite gym girl? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.