Q&A: How Much Protein Does Big Ramy Eat?

Building muscle requires protein. However, eating enough protein each day can be difficult, and expensive.
Today we’re sitting down with Mr. Olympia 2020, Big Ramy, to find out how much protein he eats, his favorite protein sources, and what his grocery shopping list looks like.
Generation Iron: Hi Ramy. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.
Big Ramy: My pleasure. Your website is a great source of information and I’m happy to contribute.
Generation Iron: Let’s get right into it then! How much protein do you eat and how much protein do you recommend for athletes trying to build muscle?
Big Ramy: I eat around 500g of protein every day. On my rest days it may go down to 400g, and on a really hard training day, I might consume as high as 600g, but I always make sure I consume at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight. I recommend that athletes who are trying to build muscle consume at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight. I have gone as high as 2g of protein per pound of body weight during my offseason.
Generation Iron: That’s a lot of protein! What are your favorite sources of protein?
Big Ramy: It’s important to find protein sources that digest well and don’t leave you feeling bloated. My favorite protein sources are eggs/egg whites, skinless chicken breast, extra lean ground beef, salmon, and bison. I also use the Enhanced Labs Isolate Protein after my workouts. It tastes amazing and it makes it really convenient to get protein into my body right after a hard workout.
Generation Iron: I noticed you didn’t include pork. Is there a reason why?
Big Ramy: I don’t eat pork for religious reasons, but I also feel that there are better options than pork. Pork is generally very fatty and a low-quality meat.
Generation Iron: That makes sense. I imagine your grocery shopping bill must be through the roof!
Big Ramy: Eating like a bodybuilder is expensive but it’s not as bad as you’re probably thinking. The rest of my diet is fairly inexpensive. My favorite carb sources are potatoes, rice and oatmeal. My favorite fat sources are avocado, olive oil and coconut oil. Using a protein powder like the Enhanced Labs isolate protein for 1-2 meals per day also really helps keep your grocery bill under control.
Generation Iron: That’s good advice! Do you have any closing remarks for our fans before we sign off?
Big Ramy: Remember that your body needs protein to build muscle. I don’t always feel like eating protein, but I always make sure I eat at least 1g of protein per gram of body weight. If I’m not hungry for a meal, I’ll make a shake by blending together Enhanced Isolate protein, frozen fruit, oatmeal and coconut oil.
Generation Iron: You heard it from Mr. Olympia himself. You have to eat big to get big!
Wrap Up
Getting enough protein is vital for your training and performance gains. You’ve heard it first from Big Ramy himself; eat protein to get huge! Don’t neglect it and watch those gains flow.
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*Images courtesy of Enhanced and Big Ramy Instagram