Strongman Eddie Hall Swaps Diets With UFC Champion Tom Aspinall

Since retiring from competitive strongman, 2017 World’s Strongest Man (WSM) champion Eddie Hall has entertained his legions of fans with his exploits. Hall has delved into bobsleigh, timber sports, motorcycle racing, bodybuilding, pro wrestling, boxing, and until recently, mixed martial arts (MMA), though his debut in the octagon against reigning WSM champion Mitchell Hooper was postponed.
The delay of Hall’s potential fight did not deter him entirely from the fight game world, though. Hall recently published a video on his YouTube channel wherein he traded diets with UFC Interim Heavyweight Champion Tom Aspinall. Aspinall typically eats approximately 3,500 calories per day, whereas Hall’s diet is close to double that.
Check out how the diet swap went in the video below:
Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.
Hall and Aspinall went for a brief morning run before starting the day of eating.
Meal 1 Aspinall — 1,750 calories
- 200 grams smoked salmon — 500 calories
- One slices of sourdough toast, buttered — 600 calories
- 300 grams cottage cheese — 400 calories
- 200 grams carrots — 100 calories
- 150 grams fruit — 150 calories
Meal 1 Hall — 792 calories
- Four Weetabix with honey — 450 calories
- One banana — 100 calories
- Monster energy drink — 42 calories
- Protein shake — 200 calories
It took Aspinall a long time to make his way through the entire first meal. He suggested that must spend most of his day eating, which Hall affirmed. “If you want to be an athlete and perform at the highest level, that doesn’t just include the two or three hours you spend in the gym,” said Aspinall. “It includes your whole day…sleeping, eating, and resting is a massive part of it”.
The two trained right after breakfast. Hall had been training for his debut MMA bout for approximately six months, but is currently seeking an alternative option. He detailed his ideas regarding his future in the fight game in a video published on Feb. 19, 2024, that can be seen below:
Hall explained that he usually hydrates with two liters of cranberry juice and additional carbohydrates during training. The first liter contains sugar and the second liter has no added sugar. It all amounts to approximately 300 calories.
Aspinall and Hall sparred and grappled before heading back to Hall’s home for lunch, which comprised the following:
Meal 2 — Aspinall 2,600 calories
- Rib eye steak cooked in butter — 1500 calories
- 300 grams rice — 400 calories
- 200 grams vegetables cooked in butter — 300 calories
- Prawns cooked in butter — 400 calories
Meal 2 — Hall 750 calories
- 500 grams yogurt — 450 calories
- Peanut butter — 200 calories
- Fruit — 100 calories
Aspinall struggled with the quantity of food and couldn’t finish. Aspinall typically eats light and often, consuming between 3,000 and 4,000 calories per day compared to Hall’s 6,500 — 7,500 daily calories.
Luckily for Aspinall, he experienced some time in Hall’s hypobaric chamber for an hour and a half, helping him process the unaccustomed volume of food before traveling back to the gym for a strength training session in Hall’s tank, a demilitarized CVR(T) Sabre.
Meal 3 — Aspinall 550 calories
- Pre-workout shake — 150 calories
- Cranberry juice — 200 calories
- Intra-workout shake — 200 calories (taken half way through the training session)
Meal 3 — Hall 20 calories
- Coffee — 20 calories
Hall shared his hot-cold therapy routine with Aspinall before embarking on a gargantuan dinner.
Meal 4 — Aspinall 1,600 calories
- Half a large chicken — 900 calories
- 300 grams rice — 400 calories
- 200 grams vegetables cooked in butter — 300 calories
Meal 4 — Hall 1,000 calories
- Sirloin steak — 700 calories
- 200 grams vegetables — 100 calories
- 150 grams rice — 200 calories
Aspinall managed about three quarters of his meal before tapping out.
Meal 5 — Aspinall 600 calories
- 500 grams yogurt – 450 calories
- 150 grams berries – 150 calories
Meal 5 — Hall 500 calories
- Peanut butter and jelly bagel — 300 calories
- Protein shake — 200 calories
Aspinall consumed over 7,000 calories — double his usual daily intake, describing it as overwhelming and exhausting. On little more than 3,000 calories, Hall professed to having been hungry all day. To learn how many calories to consume for your fitness goals, try BarBend‘s calorie calculator.
Featured image: @eddiehallwsm on Instagram
The post Strongman Eddie Hall Swaps Diets With UFC Champion Tom Aspinall appeared first on BarBend.