Natural Bodybuilder Lists 3 Reasons to Never Do an Exercise

One of 2021 Natural Olympia’s top competitors gives 3 reasons to never do an exercise.
There are specific exercises that are staples to any good bodybuilding program. And there are also exercises you should never touch. Picking the ones to do and the ones you shouldn’t is a dilemma for many motivated lifters. According to a Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA)/International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA) top competitor, there are three reasons to never do an exercise.
Natural bodybuilding pro Sepehr Bahadori placed in the top five of the world at 2021 Natural Olympia, finishing 4th in the Men’s Bodybuilding division. And he lists three reasons you should never perform an exercise. On Instagram (IG), Bahadori stated:
“Here is a small checklist of exercises that you should NOT include in your training plan:
1.Exercises that require more flexibility than you currently have to offer. Until you can not do this halfway correctly, you should first work on your mobility & in the meantime switch to other exercises.
2. Exercises that cause you pain again and again despite the right technique, adequate training volume and sensible intensity. In this case, your genetics are probably just not made for that particular exercise or exercise type & so it would make more sense not to do them permanently.
3. Exercises that you don’t enjoy at all. Because in the long run you may lose motivation and not train at all.”
Reasons to Never Do an Exercise
In summary, Bahadori says you should avoid exercises you don’t have the mobility for, movements that cause you pain, and ones you don’t enjoy. He says there isn’t any bad exercise; merely how you perform them is what makes them bad. For example, you should never perform a set of three repetitions with heavy weight on leg extensions since that will lead to knee pain.
You can see Sepehr Bahadori’s full IG post on the matter below.
WADA Certified Drug Tests
Natural bodybuilding is a growing sport that’s led to a wave of athletes beginning to sign multi-media contracts with the utmost respected strength sports digital media companies – Generation Iron and Iron Man Magazine. And with the most prominent natural bodybuilding federation globally – INBA PNBA. Each natural bodybuilder has to earn their contract, though, and it starts by passing drug tests.
As a natural bodybuilder, drugs are prohibited, and dopers will have a tough time going under the radar through INBA PNBA’s drug-testing standards – World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which is the drug-testing standards the Olympics hold their athletes to. The INBA PNBA league only uses drug tests that are WADA certified, which checks for a laundry list of banned substances by the government for recreational/athletic use.
Other natural bodybuilding leagues may be looking for the same banned substances. However, they aren’t WADA compliant, which leaves room for drug testing errors since WADA is the strictest anti-doping agency globally. Therefore, other natural bodybuilding drug testing services may fail to detect banned substances. For instance, the 2021 Women’s Bodybuilding champ was stripped of her title after failing a WADA certified drug test administered by the INBA PNBA at Natural Olympia. However, she passed the drug test in a different natural bodybuilding league.
Final Word
Next time you workout, make sure you avoid exercises that you don’t have the flexibility for. Also, the ones that cause you pain, and the ones you don’t like. Some movements are better suited for each individual based on their anatomy.
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