How To Do Back Raises The Right Way For Effective Gains

Performing back raises safely can be difficult but is essential to see growth and avoid injury.
We’ve all heard of back raises but the importance of this exercise is often overlooked. Knowing how to best tackle this exercise is important when looking to improve strength and overall development and support. The back raise is one of those movements to really pay attention to for it can keep you from feeling unwanted pain and strain that you just don’t want or need. But, with the right approach, this can greatly influence your gains for the better.
Let’s take a look at back raises and see what this exercise is all about. From what it is, to muscles worked, the many benefits of it, and how to properly perform them, you will have a complete guide to tackle back raises with no problem. Knowing how to do these effectively and efficiently is key for these will really boost growth and work to keep you safe from unwanted injury.
What Are Back Raises?
The back raise is an awesome exercise to strengthen your low back and spine and is performed on a machine. With your legs in a fixed position, the movement happens at the hips but your back muscles are the driving muscles for the movement. It can be tricky and performing this properly will ensure you don’t suffer from any injury or unwanted pain that can keep you out of the gym for longer than you would like. For those looking to add weight, you can use plates, dumbbells, or kettlebells by holding them, which will add nice resistance and work to increase strength and overall muscle development even more.
Muscles Worked
When it comes to the back raise exercise, many muscles get work done to really give you a well-rounded and quality exercise. For your lower body, your glutes, hamstrings and adductors will get work done as these will work to balance and stabilize you as you perform the upper body movement. Your low back muscles and spinal erectors will increase in strength which is exactly what you want as you look to build that stronger, more stable back to aid in those bigger lifts and overall postural support.
Benefits Of Back Raises
Back raises provide for great benefits when it comes to strengthening the posterior chain and working on developing lower body muscles, like your glutes and hamstrings, as well as your low back and spine. Working on better posture and overall back development, this exercise can aid in sport specific and more functional movements for the best results.
Benefits of back raises include:
- Strengthen your low back and spine: Having a strong low back and spine can improve posture and offer better support, especially when you go to lift more weight with other exercises.
- Work on glute strength: Targeting your glutes as well, this exercise works to improve glute strength as well as overall balance and support (1).
- Improve hip extension: By working from the hips to execute this movement, you develop better hip strength and extension for a host of other movements (2).
- Provides for a great exercise: We all want the best exercises to help us get to where we want to be and having a great exercise like this in our routine is perfect for seeing the results you want most.
How To Perform Them
Here are the steps for performing back raises:
- Set the machine to a 45-degree angle and make sure the padding is set so you can bend easily and with comfort.
- With an engaged core and neutral spine, keep your arms close to your chest. You can use a weight of some kind if you would like to add more weight.
- Bending at the hips, lower your upper half over the machine and be sure to keep your legs relaxed. As you lower, you will feel a bit of a stretch in the hamstrings.
- Once you reach your maximum range of motion, reverse your movement and raise yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat for your desired number of reps.
Featured Supplement For Increased Gains
When it comes to back raises, and all exercises for that matter, building muscle and working on recovery is vital. A solid supplementation routine will pump your body with essential nutrients that you need most to see these gains and with so many out there, the choices can seem daunting. A pre-workout can boost energy and provide for muscle pumps, while a BCAA intra-workout can work to burst through fatigue and aid in that valuable recovery. Others like a fat burner, testosterone booster, and multivitamin can work for a number of health benefits, but a protein powder is essential and should absolutely not be overlooked for its ability to increase strength and size by aiding in growth and recovery (3).
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Wrap Up
Back raises are a great exercise to strengthen both lower body muscles as well as your low back and spine. It is important to really focus on form when it comes to this exercise for it can be tricky. Improper form can lead to unwanted pain and potential injury that you just don’t need. With the right technique, this exercise can greatly influence your gains so add this into your routine and see what you can get out of this for the best results.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
- Neto, W.; Soares, E.; Vieira, T.; Aguiar, R.; et al. (2020). “Gluteus Maximus Activation during Common Strength and Hypertrophy Exercises: A Systematic Review”. (source)
- Holcomb, W.; Miller, M.; Rubley, M. (2012). “Importance of Comprehensive Hip Strengthening”. (source)
- Pasiakos, S.; McLellan, T.; Lieberman, H. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)