Hafthor Bjornsson Lost 13Lbs Since Eddie Hall Fight, Shares Lean Physique and Current Mindset

Hafthor Bjornsson is looking extra lean after his fight with Eddie Hall.
Hafthor Bjornsson recently shared an update of his lean physique, stating that he’s lost 13 pounds since the Eddie Hall bout. Bjornson is looking way more drawn in than he did for the boxing match yet still possesses quality muscle.
It’s the incredible case of the vanishing mountain, as Hafthor Bjornsson continues to lose weight after his boxing match with Eddie Hall. The 2018 World Strongest Man won his grudge match against Hall by unanimous decision this past March. But since then, Bjornsson hasn’t been training near as much as he usually does. This lack of training has resulted in Bjornson losing approximately 13 pounds.
The 2018 World Strongest Man wasn’t shy about sharing his struggles online. In a recent post to a social media Hafthor Bjornsson touched on his weight loss while revealing a very lean physique. While he isn’t considerably downsized, you can tell there’s a noticeable difference in Bjornsson’s physical frame. Still muscular and powerful, Bjornsson does look a bit more drawn in.
Looking Lean
Body weight 146kg. Haven’t been 100% with my diet or training lately. I’m human like everyone else and I’m going through a period in my life where I’m not 100% focused or dedicated all the time. It’s weird because for the last 10+ years of my life I’ve been super focused and driven because I’ve always had a goal to strive towards. Being in the unknown now has my motivation lacking a bit. If you are lacking motivation at this moment, know that it’s normal and we all go through that.
The life of a professional athlete or any competitive athlete for that matter, can be quite complicated. After succeeding in his bout with Eddie Hall, you would think that Hafthor Bjornsson would be over the moon. While he certainly seems pleased with his victory over his longtime foe, Bjornsson could be suffering from post-competition depression. Of course this is only speculation.
Often times when combat sports athletes compete whether they win or lose, they can suffer from a short period of lack. This can also be true of other high-level athletes. You set your mind to a goal, and you accomplish that goal. Yet now that the mission is over, you have nothing else to focus on. You spent your time preparing for this one moment where you face off against another skilled opponent looking to do you harm. And in a way it leaves you longing.
While no one can say for certain that this is what Hafthor Bjornsson is going through currently, it does make one wonder.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.