RIP – My College Frat Bro Ronny Schweyher Passed

My TCU fraternity brother, Ronny Schweyher, passed away at the young age of 57 just two days ago. The bodybuilding mags always misspelled his name as Ronnie Schweyer. If you ever met him, you’d know that he was one of the nicest, most down-to-earth guys in the sport. He was always willing to help others out and just an absolute phenomenal person. Check out the article that Generation Iron wrote about him below. He trained with Ronnie Coleman back in 1991 at the Original Metroflex Gym. (Arlington, TX)
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Ronnie Schweyer enjoyed a career as an amateur bodybuilder with an incredible physique.
Ronnie Schweyer built an incredible physique during his career as a bodybuilder. He competed at the amateur level during the 1980s and 1990s. Schweyer passed away on Tuesday at the age of 57. A source close to Generation Iron confirmed that Schweyer lost a battle with cancer.
Schweyer was a light heavyweight bodybuilder who made an impact on and off the stage. He was a well-liked competitor who enjoyed spending time with his family when he was not training at The Originalmetroflexgym in Arlington, TX. Schweyer had a true passion for weight training and bodybuilding but also the overall science behind the sport.
Schweyer last competed in 1988 during the IFBB Mr. Universe competition. He finished fourth at the World Championships that year before taking a step back. Schweyer decided to pause his competition career after 1989 to pursue other avenues.
In 1995, Schweyer began training again as a bodybuilder and was doing it with a mindset that was positive and in a good place. He had a goal of winning a national title before going pro.
Following his decision to step back, Schweyer opened a sports medicine clinic in Dallas. He suffered some injuries, including a torn bicep, but decided to make a return to bodybuilding anyway. During his second run, Schweyer found a new love for training each day and watching his body change.
Ronnie Schweyer posed with the likes of Ronnie Coleman, Lee Haney, and Flex Wheeler over the course of his career. He might not have turned pro but Schweyer made his mark on bodybuilding after strong performances during national shows. Generation Iron has put together an in-depth investigation into bodybuilding and PED use which was covered earlier this month.
Greg Patuto
Generation Iron