Julius Maddox Completes Massive 796-Pound Bench Press During Training

Julius Maddox continues to inch closer to his mark of 800 pounds on the bench.
Julius Maddox might hold the all-time bench press world record but he has made it clear that he is aiming for bigger goals. Maddox has been creeping toward an 800-pound bench press and took big steps in a recent training session. Maddox was able to complete a huge 796-pound raw bench press recently.
Maddox set the all-time mark of 782 pounds in February 2021 during the World Raw Powerlifting Federation Hybrid Showdown III. From this moment on, he set his sights on being the first man to bench press 800 pounds raw. On Tuesday, Maddox shared a video on Instagram to show off some recent progress.
“I’ve missed this weight +10 times. Hearing my little girls ask me when I will hit 800lbs is enough for me to lay it all on the line. This is bigger tan a title for me. It’s about the long lasting impact I leave for my kids and family. The times they fall on hard times and need some motivation! God gave me this gift to show the world his power that can take a ol junkie like me and do great wonders! 800+ soon!”
This is clearly not the first time that Julius Maddox has hit some massive bench press accomplishments. In April, Maddox took on 700 pounds and was able to complete four reps. Now, Maddox is battling with Danial Zamani to see who will be the first to reach 800 pounds.
Julius Maddox vs. Danial Zamani
Julius Maddox might hold the all-time bench press world record but this does not seem to be the goal recently. Both Maddox and Danial Zamani have had their sights set on 800 pounds and it will be interesting to see who will reach it officially.
Zamani completed an 804.7-pound bench press in training, becoming the first man to reach this mark and accomplishing the “dream goal.”
This might have added a little more motivation for Maddox. He has attempted 800 pounds on two separate occasions but has been unable to complete the lift. Maddox is continuing to train all body parts in order to strengthen his bench press. This includes a recent 820-pound squat.
Now just four pounds away, Julius Maddox will be pushing hard for 800 pounds. There could be another attempt coming soon but nothing has been announced to this point.
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