Ben Pollack Talks PED Use and Side Effects on Recent Mark Bell Podcast

Ben Pollack opens up about PED usage on recent Mark Bell podcast.
Ben Pollack joined Mark Bell on his podcast to discuss PED usage and it’s side effects. The two went in depth about the truth and ramifications of using anabolic substances.
When an athlete decides to participate in a competitive sport their ultimate goal is to win. To put yourself through a grueling training camp, sacrifice your time, put in continuous effort and not get a victory can be a crushing ordeal. It can be not only physically demanding, but mentally taxing as well. So it comes as no surprise that some athletes will turn to performance enhancing drugs.
PEDs have a negative stigma in the court of public opinion. Many consider taking performance enhancers or steroids as cheating. But in certain circles taking such substances isn’t as frowned upon. In strength sports like powerlifting, bodybuilding, and strongman competition, the use of anabolic substances isn’t at all uncommon.
Still, the subject is a sensitive one which many athletes refuse to touch upon. But not powerlifter Mark Bell and fellow strength athlete Ben Pollack.
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Tempo axle squats and #sledpush with @b3sciences BFR bands for some extra pump work today. I did 4 runs with 8 plates on the sled which was very difficult but not as bad as having to put the plates away after.
Recently Dr. Ben Pollack joined Mark Bell on his Strength Project podcast to discuss steroid usage as well as it’s side effects. One such side effect of Pollack’s PED use was that his shoe size increased by two sizes. The two go in depth discussing the unfiltered truth about using PEDs.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.