Brandon Curry Shares Raw Training for Boulder Shoulders

Brandon Curry shares boulder shoulders training.
Brandon Curry shares some of the raw training that gave him boulder shoulders. The 2019 Olympia champion gave fans a glimpse at the hard work he’s done at Oxygen Gym in Kuwait.
Being world class isn’t something everyone can attain. Being world class isn’t something one is born with. In order to achieve such lofty goals and stand in such rarified air, it requires discipline, skill, and patience to achieve. These are the exact qualities that can make someone a champion. These are the qualities that 2019 Olympia champion Brandon Curry possesses.
It took a long time before the bodybuilding community recognized the greatness of Brandon Curry. He was one of those bodybuilders that clearly had potential yet was never viewed as being a potential Olympia champion. At least that was the case before he won the 2019 Arnold Classic. After his victory at the prestigious show the masses started to consider Curry as a legitimate Olympia threat.
Since 2019 Brandon Curry has proven he is world class. Being a world class talent, knowing how Curry trains is truly beneficial to anyone else seeking to travel a similar path.
Championship Level Training
Recently Brandon Curry shared some of his raw training that helped him develop incredible boulder shoulders.
I’ve been questioned about my training at @o2_gyms recently. People are curious about my training program under @ahmad_alnaqi1 for the 2021 @mrolympiallc. This is part 1 of 6 raw shoulder training session.
Part 2 of 6 raw shoulder training. If you missed part one then you missed the beginning of the session. Check it out!
From the looks of things there’s more to come. What do you think of this shoulder training by Brandon Curry.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.