The Rock Says Intense Prep for Black Adam Film Unlike Any Role Before

The Rock says his prep for the Black Adam film is unlike any role he’s done before.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently admitted that prepping for his role as DC Comic’s Black Adam has been taxing. In fact, the popular actor says that it’s his hardest prep for a role ever. That’s saying something considering the shape he’s gotten into portraying characters like Luke Hobbs in the Fast and Furious franchise.
If there’s one thing you can say for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson it’s that he’s workhorse. The popular actor is always looking to keep himself in top condition for roles and his overall health. He’s a hard worker who is always looking to improve upon his athleticism and physique. That said it appears that his role for the Black Adam film has been rather taxing.
After being a pro wrestler and NFL hopeful you would think The Rock would be prepared for getting in shape for a role. But to portray the DC Comics character, The Rock has needed to push himself harder than ever before.
Intense Preparation
In a recent post to his Instagram, The Rock detailed just how hard the training for Black Adam has been.
Late night training ??
Big week for #BlackAdam shooting my “champion” scenes with my shirt off and showing my body.Been working extremely hard dieting, training and conditioning unlike any other role of my entire career.
Manipulating water, sodium, cardio but also having to push and pull real iron to have dense, dry, detailed muscle.
It’s a real science that takes months and months to dial it all in with my strength & conditioning coach @daverienzi who keeps a very watchful eye, constantly fine tuning our strategy daily.As many of you know, the intense (and exciting) comic mythology of Teth Adam – he becomes the immortal “champion” by the Gods.
Blessed with the powers of Superman and dangerous magic from the wizards.Then his rage turns his soul dark, forever becoming Black Adam⚡️
Big week, grateful for the grind & support – here we go??
It’s clear that The Rock has a great deal of motivation for the role. He’s been willing to push his body to the next level in order to get things right. Not only is he a fan of the source material, but he hopes to give fans exactly what they’re seeking for a Black Adam film. That means getting into the best possible physical condition to portray the legendary comic book character on the big screen.
But to think that the role has been this taxing on The Rock is truly surprising. With the goal to make this into a franchise, the question becomes, will The Rock be able to put himself through this over and over again? With his work ethic it’s likely he’ll be up to the task.
What do you think of The Rock and his current condition?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.