Phoebe Hagan Shares Bikini Posing Do’s and Don’ts

With more than 50 pro shows under her proverbial belt, Phoebe Hagan has witnessed plenty of her peers pull off impressive posing routines. However, the well-traveled IFBB Pro Bikini division competitor has also seen some trends emerge in the women’s bodybuilding community that aren’t exactly her cup of tea.
Having spent most of the 2024 season on the sidelines instead of the stage, Hagan has had ample time to analyze this year’s popular posing practices. On Nov. 17, 2024, the British bodybuilder published a YouTube video breaking down the good and bad trends associated with the Bikini division.
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Good Trend #1: Hands On Hips
Bodybuilding poses should accentuate your strengths. So, if you have a small waist and are able to accentuate your V-taper effectively, Hagan supports the “hands on hips” pose, which she added to her routine at the 2024 Arnold Classic UK.
However, the experienced competitor has a word of caution for those who want to hop on this trend.
“I’ve seen a lot of girls recently that will pull off this pose and really flex the upper body, really flex the lats as well, which creates kind of a very sharp V-taper, which is not what we want in Bikini,” Hagan explained.
Bad Trend #1: Big Hand Movements
On the opposite end of the spectrum is another hand-related trend that’s slowly started to seep into the Bikini division: BIG hand movements.
“I’ve seen people moving the hands a lot further away from the body more this year than I have any other year,” Hagan said.
While Hagan acknowledged she’s mostly seen this in the Wellness division, it’s clear she isn’t a fan of the idea. As she highlighted, bigger isn’t necessarily always better.
“We don’t want flappy arms on stage,” Hagan explained. “We don’t want to have anything that’s distracting from stage, either.”
Good Trend #2: The Maureen Blanquisco Head Nod
Maureen Blanquisco captured the 2022 Bikini Olympia crown by combining a championship-level physique with unwavering confidence, which you could see in her signature head nod. Count Hagan as a supporter of this “swagger-filled” posing trend, which continues to show up on stage.
However, she thinks only “1% of people can really pull it off” since it requires a different type of confidence.
“You can’t just add it in and do it very nonchalant,” Hagan explained. “If you’re quite a sexy, swagger-filled poser, then give it a go.”
Bad Trend #2: Hair Flicks
Sticking up top, Hagan called out hair flicks as a trend that’s not necessarily bad but something that needs to managed better. Specifically, she advised against flicks during comparisons due to the time constraints.
“By the time you get to the back pose, you’ll be the last one and then you won’t be able to show off the pose the judges actually want to see,” Hagan explained.
Good Trend #3: Shorter Pro Routines
Just like bigger isn’t necessarily better, longer posing routines aren’t always the way to go. In fact, Hagan is happy to see shorter posing routines becoming more of a staple in the industry.
“The judges are there to see your flaws,” she explained. “The longer you’re out there, the longer they have to look at those flaws.”
Going from a 10- to 15-second routine as an amateur to 45 seconds (or up to one minute) may seem like a gift, but it can actually work against competitors. So, putting together an exciting, efficient routine that allows you to accentuate your strengths and get off the stage with time to spare is a sound strategy.
Bad Trend #3: Kissing Hands
Another trend that’s mainly rooted in Wellness, Hagan has seen the kissing hands sign-off creep into other divisions. While she’s not firmly against it, she believes it’s not for everyone.
“If it looks very uncomfortable and prosthetic when you do it, then maybe it’s not the ending for you,” Hagan explained.
So, how can you successfully pull off this trend? Here are some key cues to keep in mind:
- Don’t twist all the way to the front
- Keep your waist small
- Avoid turning your upper body all the way to the front
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Good Trend #4: Old-Style Front Pose
A bodybuilding vet like Hagan appreciates the nostalgic trend of incorporating the old-style front pose. This is characterized by facing more front on and shifting most of your weight to the side on one hip.
Again, Hagan warns that this pose isn’t for everyone. Depending on your physique, it can actually hurt you more than help you.
For example, the front shot exposes your quad shape. If your quads are too big, that can backfire. On the other hand, if you’re too lean, the judges may see too many striations for their liking.
Bad Trend #4: Copying Lauralie Chapados’ Hand Movements
Reigning Bikini Olympia champion Lauralie Chapados sets the standard on many levels, including her use of hand movements. However, it isn’t a wise move for most competitors to try and replicate that, at least according to Hagan.
“It’s a very advanced movement,” she explained. “You need to practice so that it flows. If you’re doing big hand movements, it has to look spectacular. “
Bad Trend #5: A Lot of Body Touching
The final trend on the “bad” list is one that Hagan says is a huge no-no: excessive body touching.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate or needed,” she said.
That’s not just her opinion, either. Hagan explained that judges at a clinic said they do not want to see any touching, especially when it comes to the glutes.
In this case, less is definitely more.
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Featured Image: @phoebehagan_ / Instagram
The post Phoebe Hagan Shares Bikini Posing Do’s and Don’ts appeared first on BarBend.