Hunter Labrada Looks Massive Prior To 2021 Olympia

Hunter Labrada gave a recent physique update in preparation for the Olympia.
Hunter Labrada wants to put on a better show than he did during his first Olympia in 2020. He placed eighth in Men’s Open and by the looks of his social media, Labrada can be a big-time force heading into the event.
The 20201 Olympia will take place from Oct. 7-10 in Orlando. Labrada gained qualification by winning the Chicago Pro. About four weeks away from the biggest event of the year, Labrada seems to be in competition shape and it looking massive in a recent physique update on his Instagram page.
“4 weeks out from the ⭕️!
Big changes this week! Really happy with how I’m tightening up with my weight holding!
Last weeks fasted weight: 261lbsThis morning: 261lbs”
Hunter Labrada is no stranger to bodybuilding. This is a sport that has been in his family for years. Lee Labrada, Hunter’s father, placed top three in the Olympia four times during his career. Now, his son is looking to stay on that path and make some noise on the biggest stage.
Labrada also took the time to lay out his process in the gym and with his diet with just under a month before the Olympia.
“Nutrition: changed enough this week I’m going to run what I’ve got for another 2-3 days and go from there! Ate a bit yesterday to fill out for my guest posing, and my body absolutely blasted through all the extra food. Metabolism is definitely turnt!
Training: this past week was the first week I started to feel a little brittle? things are starting to dry out, and it’s time to be smart! Notice I didn’t say back off! Intensity will stay sky high??
Cardio: 25 min fasted in the morning, 20 min fasted at night, with my hr between 130-150 the whole time.”
Hunter Labrada has been a pro since winning the 2018 NPC Nationals. He did not lose a competition as an amateur and was victorious in his pro debut at the 2020 Tampa Pro.
Heading into the Olympia, Labrada knows that he will have to go up against some of the best in the world. 2020 Olympia champion Big Ramy and 2019 champ Brandon Curry are all set to compete once again.
Labrada has the muscle mass and definition needed to compete and perform well at the Olympia. With just under a month left, he will be in the final stretch of preparation for the biggest event of the year.
Generation Iron will have full coverage of the 2021 Arnold Classic. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.