Aaron Singerman Issues First Statement Since Beginning Prison Sentence

Aaron Singerman addresses the public for the first time in months.
After months without contact with the public, REDCON1 owner Aaron Singerman recently broke his silence from prison. The businessman addressed the public and gave a window into his recent transition to life behind bars. It appears that things have been hard on Singerman as his recent column explains.
Aaron Singerman, owner of the REDCON1 supplement brand recently broke his silence since being sentenced to 4 ½ years in prison back in January. The charges against Singerman and his subsequent conviction sent shockwaves through the industry. His last public contact came back in January of this year. Since then nothing has been heard. That is until now.
The REDCON1 owner addressed the public in a recent column giving updates to his current situation. From the sounds of things, it appears that Aaron Singerman is having a rough time early into his prison sentence. While it may be tough times for the businessman, he does provide some glimmer of contentment in his words.
Words From Singerman
I have a 54-month prison sentence, and I will likely serve less when you subtract good time plus all of the programs available here at FPC Pensacola. It’s a long story, but the extremely quick version is: I owned a company, Blackstone Labs, and we sold prohormones. I’m sure you know about those, but if not, a quick Google search will explain them … and you might even find people still selling them! Lol.
Prohormones officially became illegal with the induction of the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 (DASCA) and we kept selling some after the ban. I left that company in 2016, sold my shares, and started REDCON1.
Aaron Singerman then goes on to explain how he came to be in his current predicament.
The federal government indicted me in 2019 and after all the COVID nonsense we were set to go to trial in 2022. I decided to change my plea and got 54 months in prison for it. I don’t feel sorry for myself and I’m not sad or mad. I’m using my time to better myself, and I plan to come out of here a better person.
I feel very fortunate for the life I have, and all I have waiting for me when I get out. I’m currently in Pensacola at a prison camp, but it took MONTHS to get here, and they were pretty terrible. For 28 days I was in an 8’x10′ for 23 hours out of the day. My first of four quarantines I’ve done in prison. Thankfully, that is all behind me. The one thing I will tell you about prison is it makes you so grateful for every little thing. From getting a new, plumper pillow to an extra call to a loved one. I can’t even imagine the gratitude I’ll feel when I am able to walk out of here into the arms of my wife and boys!
From the sounds of things it’s clear that Aaron Singerman is going to use his time behind bars to better himself. While he could take the low road and be down on himself, it appears that he’s still choosing gratitude which will potentially make him a better human being by the end of his prison stay.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.