Ryan Terry Answers: Does Respect For Men’s Physique From Men’s Open Bodybuilders Matter?

Ryan Terry weighs in: Does it matter whether or not Men’s Open bodybuilders respect Men’s Physique?
Ryan Terry is an accomplished Men’s Physique competitor from the UK. Growing up, he was always inspired by the work ethic of Men’s Open bodybuilders – but he knew genetically he could never reach that kind of mass monster size. That’s why Men’s Physique ultimately was the perfect fit for him. Suddenly he can follow in the work ethic footsteps of bodybuilders he admired – but also compete with a smaller physique that better fits his goals.
It’s no secret that some (but not all) Men’s Open bodybuilders criticize Men’s Physique. There has been a long history of Men’s Open competitors jabbing or mocking Men’s Physique. Antoine Vaillant jokingly did a guest posing in board shorts. Bodybuilding legend and mass monster Paul Dillet called Men’s Physique at the Olympia “laughable.” The list can go on. Many of these men are bodybuilders that Ryan Terry always respected and looked up to. Does this kind of lack of respect bother him? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Ryan Terry shares his thoughts on the relationship between Men’s Open and Men’s Physique.
We had a chance to connect with Ryan Terry via video chat and discuss his bodybuilding origins, opinions on trending topics, and his future plans. When discussing on how Terry discovered bodybuilding – it was clear he had a deep reverence for legends in the Men’s Open division. His step father was even a super heavyweight competitor during Terry’s childhood.
Ultimately, Ryan Terry wanted to apply the bodybuilding work ethic to his life. At first not to become a competitor – but to feel better about his body. He knew he could never be a mass monster but still wanted to train and build that kind of work ethic. He eventually discovered Men’s Physique and it was a perfect fit. He quickly went pro and has found great success in his bodybuilding career.
But does it bother him that the very athletes that inspired him – occasionally disrespect Men’s Physique. It ranges from innocent jokes to straight out comments diminishing the division. How does that affect Terry’s view of Men’s Open and the legends that motivated him?
Ryan Terry doesn’t think it matters much. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and Men’s Physique will remain a popular division regardless of what Men’s Open athletes think. While Terry would love to gain more respect from mass monster competitors – his respect for them remains. Their accomplishments and how they inspired future generations (such as himself) remain in tact.
“To be honest with you I respect all athletes,” Ryan Terry states in our interview. He continues:
“I respect them. I respect what they’ve achieved and stuff. I would love for them to acknowledge and respect what we do as well but I don’t lose sleep over it. That’s up to them. That doesn’t change the way I train. It doesn’t change the way I think about my sport. I can take it or leave it.”
Ryan Terry believes that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. What Men’s Open feel and think have no bearing on Terry’s life as a Men’s Physique competitor. It also doesn’t change what Men’s Open bodybuilders have achieved. So his respect remains in tact. He knows the kind of work ethic he puts in – and if Men’s Open want to acknowledge it, that’s fantastic. But if they don’t – that’s their decision. He’ll keep going forward with respect and hunger to improve and succeed.
You can watch Ryan Terry’s full comments about his bodybuilding origins, Men’s Open vs Men’s Physique, and more in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!