Derek Lunsford’s Chest Training Post 2023 Olympia

Derek Lunsford etched his name in the annals of professional bodybuilding by becoming the first-ever multi-division Olympia champion. Lunsford won the 212 Olympia title in 2021 before his Mr. Olympia debut in 2022 via a special invite to a runner-up finish. He returned in 2023 and won the coveted Sandow trophy.
Lunsford’s primary critique from the judges following his silver-medal placing in 2022 was on his chest development. He focused intensely on improving his pecs in the off-season and earned the judges’ nod of approval in Orlando, FL, at the 2023 Olympia. Lunsford will continue prioritizing his chest development during the 2024 season.
On Dec. 11, 2023, Lunsford published a video on his YouTube channel wherein he shared his high-volume off-season chest training. Check it out below:
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Derek Lunsford’s Off-Season Chest Workout
Here is a snapshot of Lunsford’s chest training session:
- Hammer Strength Machine Chest Press
- Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
- Seated Cable Flye
- Decline Machine Chest Press
- Machine Dips
- Cable Flye
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Hammer Strength Machine Chest Press
Lunsford used a slow rep cadence on the machine chest press to warm up. He paused at the bottom of his range of motion to promote blood flow while the pecs were in their fully lengthened positions.
A Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness study found that “super-slow training is an effective method…to increase strength.” [1]
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
The 30-year-old Olympia champion moved to the Smith machine incline bench press to train his upper chest. He employed a resistance band to alter the resistance profile. The band eases resistance during eccentrics and adds more resistance during concentrics, overloading the muscles at peak contraction.
Lunsford’s pace was slow and controlled to increase his pecs’ time under tension. A randomized controlled trial in the Neuro Endocrinology Letters concluded that “increased time under tension seems to drive hormonal responses and neurological response, which may play a large role in stimulating muscle growth, coordination, and movement stability.” [2]
Seated Cable Flye
Lunsford set a utility bench a few feet in front of a functional trainer and adjusted the cable pulleys to chest height. He performed a drop set on the final set to mechanical failure.
A Sports Medicine meta-analysis indicates that drop sets present an efficient strategy for maximizing hypertrophy in those with limited time for training. [3]
Decline Machine Chest Press
Lunsford kept his scapula retracted and chest elevated throughout the exercise to bias the lower pecs. He paused with a squeeze in the fully shortened position to maximize his pump.
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research study concluded that “the greater the muscle swelling immediately after the first session of resistance training, the greater the muscle hypertrophy after resistance training.” [4]
Dip Machine & Cable Flye
Lunsford sat on the dip machine with his chest against the back pad to limit momentum. The added stability enabled him to place the stimulation on his pecs as intended. He grabbed the handles with a neutral grip and paused at the bottom.
Lunsford concluded his chest workout with high-to-low cable flyes, biasing his lower pecs. He kept his torso at 45 degrees and limited the movement of his shoulder joints to eliminate momentum.
Lunsford is expected to defend his crown at the 2024 Mr. Olympia, scheduled for Oct. 10-13 in Las Vegas, NV.
- Westcott WL, Winett RA, Anderson ES, Wojcik JR, Loud RL, Cleggett E, Glover S. Effects of regular and slow speed resistance training on muscle strength. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2001 Jun;41(2):154-8. PMID: 11447355.
- Wilk M, Stastny P, Golas A, Nawrocka M, Jelen K, Zajac A, Tufano JJ. Physiological responses to different neuromuscular movement task during eccentric bench press. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2018 Mar;39(1):26-32. PMID: 29803204.
- Sødal LK, Kristiansen E, Larsen S, van den Tillaar R. Effects of Drop Sets on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Med Open. 2023 Jul 31;9(1):66. doi: 10.1186/s40798-023-00620-5. PMID: 37523092; PMCID: PMC10390395.
- Hirono T, Ikezoe T, Taniguchi M, Tanaka H, Saeki J, Yagi M, Umehara J, Ichihashi N. Relationship Between Muscle Swelling and Hypertrophy Induced by Resistance Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2022 Feb 1;36(2):359-364. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003478. PMID: 31904714.
Featured image: @dereklunsford_ on Instagram
The post Derek Lunsford’s Chest Training Post 2023 Olympia appeared first on BarBend.