PNBA Natural Bodybuilding Hall of Famer Chad Martin’s Blueprint to Boost Your Testosterone Naturally

Having healthy testosterone production is essential for optimal health. Testosterone boosts your libido, increases muscle mass, and gives you energy. Conversely, low testosterone levels cause erectile dysfunction, inability to gain muscle, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Unfortunately, many men suffer from low testosterone, and it’s been declining over the past couple of decades. In this article, Professional Natual Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) Hall of Famer Chad Martin dives in on critical components to naturally increase testosterone.
Chad Martin is a PNBA Hall of Fame Inductee and placed in the top four at 2021 Natural Olympia in the Men’s Bodybuilding Grand Masters division. Chad Marin also writes health and fitness content and recently released a post on how to increase T levels naturally.
Martin noted that he’d often have teenagers and young adults come up to him and ask him what he uses as a testosterone booster. Martin replies, “I live heavy.” Before going into a lecture on the importance of diet, training, and rest.
He highlights that steroids boost your testosterone initially. But he also recognizes taking steroids will cause you to stop producing them naturally. He also mentions it comes with many side effects, including cardiovascular, liver, and kidney issues. Hence, it’s crucial to boost your testosterone naturally.
According to Chad Martin,
“You have to make your body strain so the brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland that control testosterone production will kick into gear and aid you.”
He believes that you have complete control over increasing your T levels through your diet, training regimen, and proper rest.
Chad Martin’s Diet, Training, and Rest Tips to Boost Testosterone

Martin says that vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are essential for T production. Martin stated:
“For most of the year I try to eat a lot of fish, bison and chicken to maintain necessary animal fats and sustain high levels of protein and amino acids.”
He also consumes foods high in magnesium and zinc. Although eating the right things is vital for testosterone, avoiding certain foods and your lifestyle play a role too. For example, Martin says to stray away from sugar, sweets, alcohol, and marijuana.
Chad Martin states:
“one of the most important parts of training for more testosterone is finding your body’s limit of training as heavy as you can while avoiding injury.”
He’s a firm believer big compound movements, such as squats, deadlifts, weighted dips and pull-ups, barbell and dumbbell bench press, and Martin’s personal favorite, the sled, are the movements to maximize T production.
Below is a video of Chad Martin doing cable curls.
Chad Martin recognizes that rest is critical for natural bodybuilders. However, he stated:
“As a natural bodybuilder you have to pay even more attention to this due to the body has to heal itself naturally without enhancements.”
He mentioned that at least 8 hours of sleep, plus an adequate nighttime recovery formula, is recommended. Martin also emphasized that waiting 48-72 hours before training the same muscle group again to avoid overtraining (lowers testosterone levels).
Normal testosterone levels are vital for your overall health and wellbeing. It helps build muscle, increase energy levels, and avoid mental health issues. PNBA athlete Chad Martin’s diet, training, and rest tips will boost your testosterone naturally.
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