Mark Wahlberg Looks Shredded At 50 Years Old In Recent Physique Update

Mark Wahlberg continues to have one of the best physiques in Hollywood.
The transformations over the years for Mark Wahlberg have been incredible. He is one of the fittest actors in Hollywood and often has to shape his physique for a certain movie role. Wahlberg recently took to social media to share a physique update where he continues to look as shredded as ever.
The 50-year-old actor hit a most muscular pose in a video where he was promoting Performance Inspired Nutrition, a company that he has partnered with to put together different stacks and workouts. Wahlberg looked lean with plenty of muscle. He even made a joke about being quiet so his wife did not catch him shirtless once again.
“Had to whisper to not upset my wife for not wearing a shirt. ? Go check out all 60 of our all-natural sports nutrition products to help you on your health & fitness journey. Stay inspired and let’s go!
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Mark Wahlberg is no stranger to physique transformations. There have been countless times where he had to transform to fit a role and he is just coming off another.
Wahlberg is preparing for the movie Stu to be released. This is where he plays a boxer who became a priest. For this role, Wahlberg had to put on a significant amount of weight and it was not an easy process.
Mark Wahlberg was eating 7,000 calories a day for two weeks to prepare for the role. Once this two-week period was over, he began another 14 days where he consumed 11,000 calories a day. This is not a simple process and requires the person to eat every few hours. This was a movie that Wahlberg wanted to make for quite some time now and he was able to make it happen and put the work in.
There are many reasons to like Mark Wahlberg and his movies. The storylines are incredible and he is one of the best actors of this generation. He has also made sure to remain in great shape over the course of his career. That seems like it is not going to change anytime soon.
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