Why Brett Wilkin Withdrew from the 2023 Mr. Olympia

IFBB Pro League Men’s Open bodybuilder Brett “The Butcher” Wilkin has made the tough decision to forego the 2023 Mr. Olympia. He was the first athlete to qualify via his 2022 Big Man Weekend Pro victory. On Oct. 17, 2023, Wilkin published a video on his YouTube channel wherein he gave his explanation for withdrawing from Olympia and his strategy moving forward. Watch the full video below:
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Why Brett Wilkin Is Not Competing at the 2023 Mr. Olympia
Wilkin loves contest prep because he has an aversion to weighing so much during his off-season — he welcomes the shedding phase. However, during this particular prep, Wilkin felt more sluggish than usual. He checked his blood work to help identify the issue.
Wilkin’s estrogen reading was extremely high — troubling considering it should drop during a prep. Wilkin’s adrenals were shot, causing his emotions and mental fortitude to drop to an all-time low.
Wilkin attempted to drop his estrogen and ramp up his adrenals via supplementation while maintaining his programming in the gym. While he was physically on track aesthetically for the 2023 Mr. Olympia, something remained off.
He randomly regurgitated meals for a month of prep. The loss of calories posed a critical issue when needing to maintain muscle tissue. The vomiting turned to rampant nausea and expelling fluids. After addressing the issue with friends and family, he decided his gastrointestinal (GI) issues needed to precede Mr. Olympia’s preparations, as his diagnosis showed the potential for leaky gut syndrome.
Getting Back on Track
Wilkin took over two weeks off from the gym for GI map testing. He hopes for a complete reset after nine years of going “balls to the wall” with his training and diet. Equipped with a PCT protocol, he’s clearing out his entire system and letting his body rest.
Wilkin is down to a bodyweight of 245 pounds —five pounds fewer than his minimum for competition. His decision to not compete has given him a more stable mindset as there is less stress. He’s staying busy, training his bodybuilding clients, and enjoying his morning cardio sessions.
Wilkin’s stack includes KSM 66 ashwagandha, L-theanine, dopa mucuna, liver support via TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid, a.k.a. bile salts), and a mixture of milk thistle, and NAC (N-acetyl cysteine). In the evenings, Wilkin adds 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) as another brain booster and takes BPC 157 — a peptide typically used for muscle soreness or injuries — orally for gut health.
The Butcher remains motivated to return bigger and stronger in 2024. His protocols and GI map results will determine where and how Wilkin proceeds. He is expected to attend the Olympia to support those who are competing.
Featured image: @brett_wilkin on Instagram
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