Larry Wheels Hospitalized With Rhabdomyolysis

Larry Wheels has been going through a lot lately, focusing on developing his strength, building an incredible physique, and as of recently, launching his first public gym. Unfortunately, all the time Larry invested in his gym, aiming to better himself, led to a significant setback. In fact, it was even something that could develop into a fatal hazard. On July 25th, Larry shared a photo of himself lying in a hospital bed, with IV’s connected to his veins. Furthermore, in the post’s caption, Larry disclosed that he has been diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, a rare condition that has been fatal in some cases.
“I fked around and got Rhabdo. light headed af”
Rhabdomyolysis is most often caused by overtraining, and its symptoms are similar to muscle inflammation, but often develop into much more severe pains. Basically, when a person suffers from rhabdomyolysis, their injured muscles can break down, releasing the Myoglobin protein into the bloodstream.
In turn, Myoglobin can damage the kidneys, affecting their work rate or potentially even causing kidney failure. In the worst cases, rhabdomyolysis has even caused the deaths of people who had it.
The symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include weakness, muscle pain, darkening of the urine, and lightheadedness. However, rhabdo is curable, so Larry Wheels should be back to his best after some treatments.
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Interestingly, rhabdo is a fairly rare disease, as approximately 26,000 cases are reported in the USA each year. So, it is something that should be paid attention to, but not overly scared of it.
CrossFit and UFC athletes are some of the most frequent people who get rhabdo due to their highly-intense training sessions. So, as a result of his intense gym efforts, Larry Wheels ended up with rhabdomyolysis. However, it does not come as a huge surprise, since he has been going all out in preparation for his Classic Bodybuilding debut. He recently revealed what exactly attracted him to this division of bodybuilding as well.
In preparation for his Classic Bodybuilding debut, Larry Wheels partnered up with William Bonac in order to get some posing tips. Larry then also revealed that his coach assured him that nothing apart from TRT would be needed for him to be competitive in the Classic Bodybuilding division. This seemed to be correct, as Larry’s physique looked incredible in every update that he shared.
It is a known fact by now that Larry Wheels has stopped using PEDs and Steroids. However, since then, he has looked like a brand new person. He began looking younger and healthier, while also slimming down to an incredibly shredded physique. His strength has also been impressive, as Larry tested his limits in a powerlifting mock meet.
The fact that he is enjoying his current fitness journey makes it obvious that he will continue to enjoy it after he recovers from rhabdomyolysis.
Related: Larry Wheels Sporting Crazy Bicep Peak in Classic Physique Posing Before Big Debut
It is currently not clear how rhabdomyolysis will affect Larry Wheels’ plans moving forward, but he will most likely provide a detailed update when he is back to full health. Until then, we wish Larry a quick recovery from the unfortunate situation that he has found himself in.