PNBA Angelica Bikini Pro 6-Year Natural Bodybuilding Transformation

PNBA World Championships athlete Angelica shares a 6-year bikini natural bodybuilding transformation.
Many women avoid lifting weights and opt for cardio to transform their bodies. Still, countless women have had natural bodybuilding transformations where weightlifting was a key component of their transformation. Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) bikini pro Angelica is one of them.
Angelica recently shared her 6-year bikini natural bodybuilding transformation on Instagram. She stated (translated from Italian to English):
“The real change happens when
we accept our imperfection.
Only then, by recognizing it, can we begin to strengthen our weaknesses,
fortify them and thus make them armor.
That doesn’t mean eliminating them: more
it simply means protecting them.
And we protect them with our strength, whose real job is to support frailty.
An eternally incurable fragility, but which, if supported, does not break, it resists.
Like us, who no matter how fragile we are, by training, we learn not to give up.”
You can see her complete transformation below.
Angelica represented Italy at the World Championships. She competed in the INBA bikini division, receiving first place and earning a PNBA pro card.
World Championships
INBA PNBA World Championships took place in Florence, Italy, on June 25, 2022. It’s one of the major competitions and part of the Road to Natural Olympia series. Many INBA PNBA competitions have competitors from around the world, but the World Championships especially have many diverse athletes from different countries.
The World Championships is a show each athlete wants to place well in to put their country on the map for natural bodybuilding. And many prominent PNBA athletes competed at this event, including Kayla Rowling, Veronica Malloy, and Tommi Thompson.
Below is a full clip of Angelica performing at the World Championships.
Below is a GI-exclusive inside look from the World Championships.
Natural Universe
Since the World Championships, the INBA PNBA also had another significant natural bodybuilding show, Natural Universe. Natural Universe took place in Tampa, FL, on September 2-3, 2022–the first prestigious natural bodybuilding show to be held here. Over 30 athletes competed this year, including past champions: Mike O’Hearn, Kiyoshi Moody, Philip Ricardo Jr., Michael Waddington, Rob Terry, and Ivan Puga. And each athlete had a chance to earn prize money, other prizes, PNBA Elite World Tour Points, and social media exposure.
Denny Kakos, INBA PNBA founder, started Natural Universe back in 1990. This was the same year he founded the PNBA. Ultimately, Kakos would love to see natural bodybuilding in the Olympics.
Next year, Natural Universe will be held in September in Bucharest, Romania. Until then, athletes are less than 12 weeks from the most significant natural bodybuilding show, Natural Olympia.
Natural Olympia takes place November 10-13 in Las Vegas, Nevada. John Hansen was the first athlete to win the Men’s Bodybuilding Natural Olympia title in 1998. Now, it’s Paul Krueger who reigns as the Natural Olympia champ.
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