2020 NPC New Mexico State Cancelled
October 12, 2020: It is with great disappointment that we must cancel the 2020 NPC New Mexico State Open. The state of New Mexico has limited gatherings to just 10 and is requiring a 14-day quarantine for visitors from most states. We have been monitoring the situation closely in New Mexico. Currently COVID-19 numbers are spiking, reaching new record highs since the beginning of the pandemic. We have concluded that it will be impossible to host a show in the state in 2020. However, we still have some great options for you!

NPC West Coast Classic Date/Venue Change- 9/18/2020
Agua Caliente Resort has cancelled all of their October events including the NPC West Coast Classic. This means the show will be moving to another location in California and will now take place on November 7 & 8, 2020. We have several venues that can host the event. We will proceed with the model that we have created for the Tahoe Show and Legion Sports where the event will take place outside under a tent. As you made have seen on the @CenterPodium Instagram, we have invested in a fantastic lighting system to prepare for unforeseen circumstances such as this.
If the new date or venue doesn’t work for you, we will happily offer you a credit for any Center Podium Show this year or in 2021. Please email for show transfers. If you are still competing November 7 & 8, your registration and competitor services and VIP tickets will automatically transfer to the new venue (TBA) and date.
2020 Shows:
NPC/IFBB Tahoe Show – September 26, Squaw Valley, CA
NPC/IFBB Legion Sports Fest – October 24, Squaw Valley, CA
NPC New Mexico State Open – November 14, Albuquerque, New Mexico
NPC Worldwide International Russia Championships – December 12, Moscow.
You can see our entire 2021 calendar HERE.
If you have a room reservation at Agua Caliente, it will be automatically canceled today. The 2021 NPC West Coast Classic is confirmed for Agua Caliente on June 19, 2021.
The Legion Sports Fest will move to the Resort at Squaw Creek at Squaw Valley, CA for the NPC Legion and IFBB Pro Legion Masters Championships. For additional information, please click here.
The Tahoe Show will remain on the same dates, however it will move to the Resort at Squaw Creek at Squaw Valley, CA. For additional information, please click here.
Due to the increase in COVID cases, government mandates, and venue regulations, we have made changes to the NPC Dexter Jackson Classic, NPC/IFBB Tahoe Show, and the NPC New Mexico State Open.
NPC Dexter Jackson Classic
The NPC Dexter Jackson Classic is STILL set for July 25. We have changed the venue to the Hyatt Riverfront in downtown Jacksonville. If you made reservations at our host hotel (which was also the Hyatt) your reservation will be moved to the NEW host hotel/venue.
NPC/IFBB Tahoe Show
The state of Nevada has extended Phase 2 until at least the end of July. This means we can not host the NPC/IFBB Tahoe Show with a 50 people limit. The Tahoe Show is rescheduled to September 26 & 27. The host hotel/venue will still be Montbleu Resort. Your registration and competitor services will be automatically transferred to the new date. This also includes VIP Tickets and Hotel Reservations. If the new date does not work for you, you will receive a credit for all Center Podium Shows in 2020/2021. If you would like to transfer to a different show date, YOU MUST EMAIL YOUR TRANSFER REQUEST BY AUGUST 15, 2020. We make significant commitments based on your commitments which is what makes adhering to these deadlines imperative. For show transfers, please email with your name, registration information, and 2020/2021 show you would like to transfer to by August 15.
NPC New Mexico State Open
The NPC New Mexico State Open has been rescheduled to November 14. The host hotel/venue will still be Route 66. Your registration and competitor services will be automatically transferred to the new date. This also includes VIP Tickets and Hotel Reservations. If the new date does not work for you, you will receive a credit for all Center Podium Shows in 2020/2021. If you would like to transfer to a different show date, YOU MUST EMAIL YOUR TRANSFER REQUEST BY October 1, 2020. We make significant commitments based on your commitments which is what makes adhering to these deadlines imperative. For show transfers, please email with your name, registration information, and 2020/2021 show you would like to transfer to by October 1.
NPC West Coast Classic
The NPC West Coast Classic has been moved to Agua Calliente Resort in Rancho Mirage, California for October 11. This date remains solid. You may transfer your registration to another show but must do so by August 15, 2020. We make significant commitments based on your commitments which is what makes adhering to these deadlines imperative. For show transfers, please email with your name, registration information, and 2020/2021 show you would like to transfer to by August 15.
NPC Legion Sports Fest
Early this year, we moved the Legion Sports Fest to Reno, Nevada and added an NPC show. While you may transfer to this show, those already registered for the NPC Legion Sports Fest may not move their registration as this date has not changed.
NPC Worldwide International Russia Championship
This event is good to go and we are optimistic that there will be no changes given a consistent drop in new infections after Russia’s short but very strict lock down.
So far, so many of you have been understanding and gracious; your expressions of gratitude have been the wind in our sails. It is a difficult time. With all of the changes, Center Podium has scheduled events 19 times so far this year yet we’ve been able to produce just one. But we press on with one single goal; that is to be there for the athletes and our partners to create continuity, consistency, and a way to keep you going during these difficult times. With that, we ask for your patients as we navigate these uncharted waters. Pay close attention to the changes and information that we share. When we work together and support each other we will get back to the normal world in which we all thrived; and we will we thrive again.
The NPC Mother Lode has changed Venues to the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. The Host Hotel is still the Grand Sierra Resort. Check-ins, tanning, make-up & hair, will all be located at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. Please click here to view the NEW registration/check-in times for your division.
Due to current Covid-19 regulations, general ticket sales are on hold. Please check back often for updates here.
You can see the details of our COVID-19 operations and risk mitigation plan here.
Currently, all Center Podium shows are on schedule for their original dates except the NPC Mother Lode and the NPC West Coast Classic which have been rescheduled.
There are a lot of people unsure what to expect given the uncertainty that COVID-19 has created. We have created some new policies to help.
We have added flexibility to our refund policy. If your show is rescheduled, you have the option to compete on the new date or transfer your registration and tickets to any Center Podium show in the future for 2020 or 2021.
If the show is cancelled (not rescheduled) you will get a full refund.
NPC West Coast Classic UPDATE: MAY 14, 2020
The NPC West Coast Classic has a fresh new date of Sunday, October 11, 2020!
We also moved the venue to “The Show” at Agua Caliente Resort Spa Casino in Rancho Mirage. Many of you may remember this absolutely stunning venue where we held the #FerrignoLegacy. Given the COVID-19 roller coaster of Southern California, we felt it best to move the event further from LA. The venue is located on the the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians’ reservation. Our experience working with them in past years has been nothing short of fantastic. As they are a sovereign nation, so they have additional latitude when it comes to regulations that may affect the state and counties within California.
You may have also noticed that the show is on a Sunday. In 2017, we also held the Ferrigno Legacy on a Sunday. It worked extremely well for the athletes by giving them the ability to come to registration on Saturday, avoiding LA traffic plus many did not have to take a Friday off from work. The shows will begin a bit earlier than usual so many people can be back to work on Monday if they choose. In these days where many will be recovering from layoffs, the money saved by not having to take time off from work can go a long way!
Speaking of money saved, registration and crossovers will remain at the early bird price of just $109 until August 16! We are getting you discounted rooms at their luxury resort.
Jay Cutler will be back along with many of your favorite IFBB Pros! We can’t wait to see you on October 11, 2020!
NPC West Coast Classic UPDATE: MAY 1, 2020
The Riverside Government has announced that the stay-at-home order has been extended to June 19, 2020. As the NPC West Coast Classic was scheduled for June 20, 2020, we will be moving the event to a new date in the Fall. In anticipation of this potential change, we have been working with venues to confirm a later date. We plan to have additional details for you by May 6 or earlier. As with any date changed due to COVID-19, if the newly scheduled date does not work for you, your purchases may be used for ANY Center Podium event for any future date.
NPC Mother Lode UPDATE: APRIL 23, 2020
The Shows WILL Go On!

On Tuesday, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak has announced a stay-at-home order to be in effect until April 30, 2020. While we had hoped that our rescheduled date of May 24 for the NPC Mother Lode would have provided adequate time to return to normal, current events are proving otherwise. We have confirmed a new date of June 27, 2020. The NPC Mother Lode will still take place at the Grand Sierra Resort in their beautiful Grand Theater.
Your Registration
When you plan to compete at the NPC Mother Lode on June 27, you do not need to do anything. All of your services and tickets will be moved to the new date.
Transfers & Refunds
We understand that the date changes are unexpected and may cause an inconvenience for some of you. We have added flexibility to our Refund Policy to help accommodate your needs.
Purchase Protection
In anticipation of possible issues with early reports of the Coronavirus, we offered “Purchase Protection”. If you chose this option, you may receive a refund of your registration and related services up until 24-hours before the NPC Mother Lode. Simply email to request your refund.
If you did not elect to buy “Purchase Protection”, we have added flexibility to our Refund Policy which will allow you to participate in any future Center Podium event. To make these changes, email by May 30, 2020.
All ticket purchased will be automatically transferred to the new date.
Tickets purchased through Ticketmaster may be refunded upon request. Please contact the Grand Sierra Resort Box office should you like a refund at (775) 789-2000.
VIP tickets can be transferred to another Center Podium event. To make these changes, email by May 30, 2020.
All hotel reservations will be automatically transferred to the new event weekend with identical room types and room nights. For questions, please call Grand Sierra Resort reservations at (775) 789-2000.
We appreciate your support and understanding.
Center Podium is a very small business. We are an independent company, there is no parent company with deep pockets or outside investors. Our “First in Class” production requires significant annual investment. At this time of year, all of the money that was brought in through registrations and tickets plus lines of credit was already spent preparing for all the 2020 Center Podium events. This includes non-refundable deposits for venues, sanctions, flights, hotels, trophies, staff, special guests, adverting, graphics, web, print, and much more.
The Coronavirus pandemic has left Center Podium in an extremely precarious position. We want to thank all of you for your understanding, patients, and commitment as we work through this to find solutions to these ever changing challenges. As a small business, this has been one of the most challenging times we have ever faced but it has been your positivity and words of support that has helped us to get through this extremely difficult time.
April 3, 2020
Center Podium has been required by the NPC and city of Reno to postpone the NPC Mother Lode. We share your disappointment and concern as the Covid-19 pandemic affects every aspect of our daily life. We understand how frustrating it is to face this change of plans after having worked so hard for your goal.
We understand the athletes, sponsors,
and fans’ financial commitments to the contest. We will ensure that the product
purchased will be delivered and that the transition to the new date will be as simple
and stress-free as possible.
Please note that as we receive new information,
details are subject to updates.
Registration Late Fee Postponed
The new deadline to register without a
late fee will be two weeks prior to the new date.
Registered Athletes
All athlete’s registration and services
will be transferred to the new show date. No action is needed.
Only when an athlete has a medical issue
or military deployment preventing them to participate on the new date, a credit
of equal value for the 2020 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic, NPC/IFBB Tahoe Show,
NPC New Mexico State Open, or NPC Worldwide International Russia Championship
will be offered. The athlete will receive a code that will be equal to the
amount of the Mother Lode purchase to be used at any of these shows.
Tickets Holders
All tickets will be transferred to the
new NPC Mother Lode date. No action is needed.
All sponsorship will be transferred to
the new NPC Mother Lode date. No action is needed.
All hotel reservations will be transferred to the new event weekend with identical room types and room nights. To confirm your changes, please call Grand Sierra Resort reservations at (775) 789-2000.
Show Weekend
While we are optimistic that things will
be back to business as usual, we will take additional precautions to minimize
any health risks. As such, the following procedures will be in place.
Check-In & Meeting
- All chairs will
be widely spaced - There will be no
hugging, handshaking, etc. A smile and nod will be a standard greeting. - The in-person athlete
meeting will not be held. A Facebook Live meeting will take place on the
Thursday before check-ins. The presentation will be preserved on the show’s
Facebook with a link provided to the video on the website event’s page at - A written summary
of the online Facebook Meeting will be distributed at athlete check-ins. - Check-ins will be
divided into time slots:
6:00 PM – Bodybuilding
6:15 PM – Classic Physique
6:45 PM – Women’s Physique
& Fitness
7:15 PM – Figure
7:30 PM – Wellness
7:45 PM – Bikini
8:15 PM – Men’s Physique
- Athletes will not
line up for height and weight – they will wait in seats until their name is
called. Anyone not pre-registered will weigh/height-in last in each division’s
time slot. - The scale and
stadiometer will be sanitized between each athlete. - Pens for release
forms will be sanitized after each division.
- Judging
Tans - Judges will not
mark clients down for a bad or light tan. - Athletes will be
encouraged to take a light shower in the morning before receiving their final
coat of tanning.
- Tanning
Application Sanitation - Face masks will
be available for all clients. - CDC Antibacterial
wipes and spray will be used for sanitization of all reusable equipment. - 70% of alcohol will
be used to spray down tents. - Individual packaged,
disposable shower caps will be used for each client. - Staff will use
disposable Nitrile gloves which will be disposed of between each client. - Disposable
rollers or puffs will be used for each client. - Only spray glue
and glaze will be used. - Tanning tents
will be set with larger than normal spacing.
- CDC Antibacterial
wipes and spray will be used for sanitization of all reusable equipment. - Staff will use
disposable Nitrile gloves which will be disposed of between each client. - Disposable puffs will
be used for each client. - Masks will be
worn by make-up artists.
- All staff may
wear gloves for the duration of the events. - Staff will change
clothing; 1. After check-ins, 2. After Pre-judging - Masks will be
available to staff if they choose.