Is Ego Lifting Actually Bad?

Many training experts recommend that their clients use a full range of motion (ROM) when they train. However, many gym-goers can walk into any gym and likely find multiple lifters using shorter ROMs, exercising their egos, and cutting reps short to move more weight.
One study argued that they may be onto something. IFBB Professional League bodybuilder Eric Janicki addressed the study, which featured 23 individuals with training experience performing single leg presses to determine the effectiveness of a 100-degree knee flexion ROM versus an individual’s maximum ROM. After eight weeks, the researchers found “small-to-medium hypertrophic adaptations” with both variations. (1)
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Ranges of Motions
Janicki criticized the study due to the small sample size and did not like that the individuals used heavy loads, stating, “This is an excuse for ego lifting.”
Janicki argued for full ROM, which helped him achieve more leg hypertrophy and improve his joint health. Physical therapy exercises have been shown to improve ROM and joint health. (2) Janicki referenced another study that concluded the same would apply to resistance training in general. (3)
Always Use a Full ROM?
Using a shorter ROM to move more weight to appear strong is unlikely to be sufficient for hypertrophy or strength gains if the movement is done improperly. That doesn’t mean full ROM is the law of the weight room. A 2022 study biasing leg extensions concluded that partial ROM with the initial phase of knee extension showed more positive signs of hypertrophy than other ROMs. (4)
What matters is sufficient stimulus and training intensity. While many experts might argue full ROM will generally yield the best results, partial reps can be beneficial under the right circumstances.
You can ego lift. But know that while you might look strong, it is unlikely to make you strong.
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- Larsen, S., Wolf, M., Schoenfeld, B. J., Sandberg, N. Ø., Fredriksen, A. B., Kristiansen, B. S., … Falch, H. N. (2025). Knee flexion range of motion does not influence muscle hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris during leg press training in resistance-trained individuals. Retrieved from
- Chen, C. M., Lin, C. H., & Kung, K. Y. (2023). Effects of Physical Therapy on Joint Pain, Joint Range of Motion, Joint Health, Strength, and Mobility in Patients With Hemophilia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 102(7), 577–587.
- Favro, Francesco1; Roma, Enrico2,3; Gobbo, Stefano1; Bullo, Valentina1; Di Blasio, Andrea4; Cugusi, Lucia5; Bergamin, Marco1. The Influence of Resistance Training on Joint Flexibility in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-regression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research ():10.1519/JSC.0000000000005000, December 31, 2024. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000005000
- Pedrosa, G. F., Lima, F. V., Schoenfeld, B. J., Lacerda, L. T., Simões, M. G., Pereira, M. R., Diniz, R. C. R., & Chagas, M. H. (2022). Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths. European journal of sport science, 22(8), 1250–1260.
Featured Image: @ericjanickifitness on Instagram
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