Shaun Clarida Gives Health and Physique Update

Shaun Clarida recently revealed the state of his health.
Shaun Clarida recently took time to inform his fans and the world on the state of his health. The 2020 212 Olympia champion gave a quick physique update to go along with the health update.
After shocking many with his move to the Open Bodybuilding division this past fall, Shaun Clarida has taking time away from the stage. He has qualified comfortably for both the Open and 212 divisions for the 2022 Olympia.
Now that he has the down time available, Shaun Clarida decided to take a much needed break. But not just that. The former 212 champion decided to check in on his health. Considering that so many of his peers have been passing away untimely, this is a smart move from Clarida. Health is true wealth after all and he’s decided not to take his for granted.
Health Update
In a recent Instagram post, Shaun Clarida gave a physique update as well as a full breakdown of his current vitals.
Last Update of 2021: Life, health, plans.
Current weight-198.2
Since my last show in October, I haven’t been pushing anything (food, training, supps, etc) with the purpose of cleaning my body out and ultimately giving it a break to rest and recover.
During this time, I also made sure to get my blood work done, as well as get my heart checked (EKG, Calcium Score). And I was happy to hear that all my levels (BP, Cholesterol, Organs, etc.) are all good and my CT Cardio Score was a 0. For those that have never gotten a calcium core, 0 is perfect meaning no plaque within the arteries of the heart and less likelihood of heart disease and a heart attack. Of course getting this all done is always a scary thing but knowing is always better than not because you may have time to address any issues before it’s too late.
Now that the body is full rested, recovered and all good to go, now we start the push toward the 2022 ⭕️lympia.
*A full video update will be dropping on my YouTube page next week discussing in more detail everything mentioned here.
Health is Wealth
If you don’t have health then you don’t have anything. It’s an old adage for a reason. Because no matter how much wealth, fame, or glory one achieves, without having optimal health all those things are meaningless. Considering the great bodybuilders lost over the past few years it rings more true than ever. It is truly sad to think about all the souls who have been taken just in 2021 alone. As such it’s great to see 2020 212 Olympia champion Shaun Clarida is taking his health seriously.
Hopefully this clean bill of health will continue and that other bodybuilders follow his example and check in on their health.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.