Tom Stoltman To Miss 2021 Europe’s Strongest Man

Tom Stoltman will miss the competition because of complications with COVID-19.
Tom Stoltman has become a true force in powerlifting. He won the World’s Strongest Man competition earlier in the year and had a chance to show what he can do on another big stage. It was recently announced that Stoltman will miss some time because of COVID-19.
Stoltman has a YouTube page with his brother, Luke, and this is where he shared the announcement that he will no longer take part in the 2021 Europe’s Strongest Man competition. He has tested positive for COVID-19 and will be forced to miss some time competing.
“I got COVID yesterday, so on Thursday. I’ve now got it, Thursday night. So for safety I will not be competing during the weekend. I feel like for me, it’s just a cold,” Tom Stoltman said.
“We’re going to try and stay safe, and then we’re going to be there in Scotland. I have to quarantine until Wednesday or Thursday next week, so I still have a lot of time to train for Scotland. For me, it’s beneficial because I didn’t have the best prep for Europe’s anyway… Sorry that I won’t be there. It’s out of my hands.”
This would have been Stoltman’s first competition since the World’s Strongest Man. There has been a lot of anticipation for his return but fans will have to wait a little longer.
Stolman was supposed to compete during the 2021 Shaw Classic but was one of five competitors to bow out — this includes his brother, Luke. Trey Mitchell ended up coming out on top in the event. He beat out some of the top competitors in the world and it is likely that Stoltman would have been near the top.
Tom Stoltman will not have his sites set on Scotland’s Strngest Man competition. This will take place on Sept. 19. This gives Scottish lifter plenty of time to recover from the virus and get back to where he needs to be to win an event.
While it is a shame that Stoltman will miss the upcoming event, he will be a main factor moving forward. There is no doubt that he will continue to be one of the major competitors in the world.
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