Behind-the-Scenes Look at Tom Stoltman’s Deadlift Training With Coach Aaron Caseley

Tom Stoltman has won the World’s Strongest Man title on three different occasions, most recently in 2024 — but as great as the Scottish strongman is, he has yet to win the Arnold Strongman Classic (ASC). He hopes to change that when he enters the Greater Columbus Convention Center for the 2025 edition of the ASC, slated for Feb. 28 through March 1.
Stoltman plans to score gold by attacking the deadlift, which he called “a mental block.” He recently filmed a deadlift training session with coach Aaron Caseley in Leeds, England, wherein Caseley relayed the following deadlift cues.
Cues for Deadlifting
- Leg Drive
- Stack the Neck
- Foot Placement and Breathing
- Lower Hips
- Vertical Arms
Leg Drive and Stack the Neck
Stoltman warmed up on a stationary bike, followed by hyperextensions, lat pulldowns, and ab work. As Stoltman began performing reps with 70 kilograms, Caseley kept calling out, “Leg drive, leg drive!”
Caseley advised the three-time WSM winner to “stack” his neck, keeping it straight as he performed his reps. Caseley believes visualization and preparing for a heavier lift can have benefits even if the weight on the bar is something lighter. “Start as if you’re going to lift 400 kilograms,” he said. The research appears to validate that theory. (1)
Foot Placement and Breathing
Caseley instructed Stoltman to pay attention to foot position in relation to the barbell, which was loaded with 220 kilograms. The barbell was over Stoltman’s midfoot as he secured his lifting straps.
After Stoltman pulled the weight, Caseley asked him to take short breaths. The strongman lifted 270 kilograms at the speed he did the previous weight.
Lower Hips
Many trainers consider the deadlift a back exercise, but leg strength is crucial to lifting heavy. Caseley had Stoltman lower his hips more to maximize leg drive.
“Once you get just below the knee, drive the hips through,” Caseley instructed.
Vertical Arms
Stoltman wore his weight belt as he approached 360 kilograms, which went up easily. Before Stoltman’s next attempt at 400 kilograms, Caseley reminded him to keep his arms vertical at the beginning of the lift.
Stoltman approached the barbell and completed his 400-kilogram lift, followed by a fist bump with his trainer. Stoltman explained that he was training in a sub-optimal state but still completed his goal. “Over the moon with that,” he expressed.
The Elephant Bar Deadlift (EDB) is the opening event of the 2025 Arnold Strongman Classic. Hafthor Björnsson, who will compete against Stoltman, holds the all-time heaviest deadlift record with 501 kilograms and the EDB world record at 476 kilograms. Björnsson won the EDB event in 2024 with a 460-kilogram lift; Stoltman pulled 415 kilograms.
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- Androulakis Korakakis, P., Wolf, M., Coleman, M., Burke, R., Piñero, A., Nippard, J., & Schoenfeld, B. J. (2023). Optimizing Resistance Training Technique to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review. Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology, 9(1), 9.
Featured Image: @tomstoltmanofficial on Instagram
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