Sean Mills Sets New Raw American Record With 730-Pound Squat In 110kg Division

Sean Mills has been a force in powerlifting and is continuing his tear by setting some new marks.
The 2022 USAPL Junior Nationals was the sight of many milestones set my lifters in attendance. Sean Mills is a competitor that has been a force in the 110kg division and he showed it off once again, this time in Westin Lombard, Illinois. Mills was able to complete a massive 730-pound squat to set a new Raw American Junior Record.
Mills positioned himself under the weight with nothing but a lifting belt, knee sleeves, and wrist wraps. Mills completed the lift with relative ease and showed plenty of emotion once it was back on the rack. The powerlifter took to Instagram to share the lift and recap his performance while thanking all involved.
“Thank you to the entire team who came out to support me this meet and for putting me in the best possible position to succeed. I couldn’t ask to be surrounded by smarter minds than @joeyflexx7 @grantivarson @joe_wee_@singletonstrength”
Sean Mills set two new competitor PRs along with this record squat. On bench press, Mills completed all three lifts including a high of 424.4 pounds. Mills was unsuccessful on his final deadlift attempt but as able to lock out a 733-pound lift. Despite the one unsuccessful attempt, Mills was able to take home the prize in the division.
Like any competitor, Mills was unhappy with his unsuccessful attempt on his third and final deadlift. This is something he addressed in his caption on social media. Mills vowed to share the lift and work on making it a successful try in the future.
“This wasn’t the meet that I wanted and my missed third deadlift burns a hole in my soul that will not have the chance to heal until the next time I step on the platform. Need to become more dialed in as a lifter and become as flawless as possible.”
At 19 years old, Sean Mills is already making some noise in powerlifting. He began competing three years ago and has already totaled some huge numbers. He has competed in six events and has won all of them. There is no doubt that Mills is going to continue to shine in powerlifting and sets me new marks in the coming years.
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