Julius Maddox Injures Pec, Could Delay 800Lb Bench Press Event

Julius Maddox injured his pec in a recent training session.
Julius Maddox recent suffered a pec injury during his prep for the 800lb bench press world record. The powerlifter recently released a video explaining that he suffered a pec strain that could set back the bench press attempt past June.
Injuries in high level training are common. If you’re competing at the highest levels it means pulling out all the stops in training. It means making sacrifices and pushing your body past it’s limit. With conditions like those, it’s easy to see how an athlete can get injured.
That’s exactly what happened to Julius Maddox.
The powerlifting champion has been showing some incredible strength in his recent meets. Just a few months back Julius Maddox broke his own bench press world record with an incredible 782lb lift. It seemed like a forgone conclusion that Maddox would go on to once again challenge the 800lb bench press.
Julius Maddox was set to attempt the 800lb bench press this June. He hoped to crush the bench press attempt this time around and was doing some great prep for the occasion. His recent training showed a man possessed, readying himself to do what no one has done before.
Unfortunately it appears that Maddox’s plans may have to be put on hold.
Bad News
In a recent video to his YouTube channel, Julius Maddox revealed that he has suffered a pec injury. While details aren’t completely clear, it doesn’t appear that he has torn his pec. Instead Maddox said in the video that he suffered a pec strain. While that is better news than a complete pec tear, it appears that Maddox will have to push back the date of his 800lb bench press attempt.
“I couldn’t even budge 720,” said Maddox. “I’ve never been in a situation like this, since I’ve been training. I don’t miss lifts, very rarely miss lifts. I don’t miss lifts like that.
“Strained my pec a bit at the bottom of the lift. Man, I messed up. I’m 8 weeks out from the event and I think I’m going to have to call and have a discussion about pushing this event back further than June.”
That’s truly unfortunate news. Julius Maddox was poised to tackle the elusive 800lb bench press after waiting for over a year at this next attempt. Now he will have to wait and see how his pec heals up before tackling the feat once and for all.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.