Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free Review: Any Good Without Caffeine?

Utah-based company Transparent Labs is quickly becoming a go-to option for supplement needs in a variety of categories. They promise full transparency of their research-backed formulas, and no fillers or harmful additives.

Peptide Store

For this review, we took a deep dive into the Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries ‘Fat Burner Stim Free’ to give our thoughts on whether or not it could be an effective fat loss aid. The fact that it doesn’t contain caffeine or other stimulants is appealing for many because it ensures no crash or jitters. But many are simply intolerant to stimulants. 

This fat burner supplement is supposed to help boost metabolic rate, oxidize fat and suppress appetite; three essential components of a viable weight loss recipe. With ingredients like forskolin, cayenne pepper, and Rhodiola Rosea, can it deliver the goods?

We’ll find out…

IGF-1 lr3
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Stim Free
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Stim Free

What we like


  • Always transparent label
  • Fairly priced for what you get
  • No stims
  • No harmful additives or fillers 
  • Veggie-friendly


  • Few ingredients show mixed results for desired effects

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free

Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner contains an impressive ingredient profile; it’s a viable option that doesn’t contain caffeine and other stimulants.


Ingredients and Research

Here we’ve provided some information about the potential fat-burning and health-supporting effects of the ingredients in Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free.

Main ingredients and doses:

  • Vitamin B12: 2.4 mcg (40%)
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine: 750mg
  • Forslean (10% Coleus Forskolin): 250mg
  • 5-HTP: 150mg 
  • Rhodiola Rosea (4%): 100mg
  • Cayenne Pepper: 50mg
  • Fucoxanthin: 10mg

Other ingredients:

  • vegetable capsules, olive oil
Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free Ingredients
Fat Burner Stim-Free Ingredients

Vitamin B12

B12 is an essential vitamin for energy production, nerve health, red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and cell metabolism. 

Most animal-based products supply a healthy dose of B12 and because it’s typically stored well in the body, deficiency isn’t as common an issue. Although, those who follow a vegan or vegetarian eating regime may become low in this vitamin. 


An amino acid derivative, L-carnitine is commonly used in nutritional supplements for aiding in weight loss but it may also have some effects on cognitive performance. 

It’s needed for energy production as it transports fatty acids to the cells’ mitochondria. As a result, the mitochondria help the body to burn the fatty acids for fuel or energy. 

The body can produce L-carnitine of which plenty of vitamin C is needed to do so and eating . 

But using a supplement may help to fast track its fat-burning effects. 

L-carnitine is the standard form but there are several other forms including Acetyl or ALCAR as it’s also referred to. 

According to research, acetyl form may offer the most significant benefits for brain health and function. In fact, there’s evidence that shows it may be helpful against neurodegenerative diseases (1). 

Because it may also improve mitochondrial function, this could have benefits on health in general. 

As for the potential weight loss effects, well, the research is a bit mixed with some studies showing no additional benefits. 

But there is a review of studies from 2016 that saw subjects taking L-carnitine experienced significant weight loss compared to control groups (2).

So, it may help to boost weight/fat loss efforts. But you’ll always experience the best results by reducing your calories through eating less, exercising more, or both. 

Some research suggests it may help to boost exercise performance and recovery though, although the studies are also mixed. But, this could, in theory, help to train harder and longer and result in more calories burned through excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC), where you continue to expend energy following physical activity (3, 4, 5, 6).

But one thing to note about the potential benefits of L-carnitine is that the actual effects may not show until weeks or months. And then the results are likely not to continue long-term. 

But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth including because it could still offer something.

Forslean (10% Coleus Forskolin)

Also commonly known as forskolin, this ingredient shows promise as an effective fat-loss supporting aid. Forskolin is a plant compound from the Indian coleus forskohlii that’s been used for many years for its medicinal properties. 

But over the years, it’s become popular as a weight loss-specific ingredient. However, human studies are very few whereas the majority have been done using animals. 

Although, one 2005 study using thirty overweight and obese men found that taking 250mg of 10% forskolin extract twice/day for 12 weeks, significantly decreased their body fat percentage and fat mass compared to a placebo group (7).

But that’s not all, researchers also found that there was a significant increase in their serum testosterone levels, plus their muscle, and bone mass compared to the placebo group. 

The study concluded that forskolin could be a “therapeutic agent for the management and treatment of obesity.”


5-HTP seems to offer a variety of benefits. 

According to an article by, 5-HTP may have appetite-suppressing effects by stimulating serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for stabilizing our mood and well-being but it also plays a role in sleeping, eating, and digestion.  

It may also increase feelings of fullness by suppressing hunger hormones (8).

In one study of 20 obese and diabetic individuals who were given 5-HTP or a placebo for weeks, the former group ate several hundred calories less and lost body weight (9).

There’s promise for 5-HTP as a weight/fat loss aid. 

Rhodiola Rosea (4%)

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea is known for its use as an adaptogenic substance which means it possesses properties that can help to manage the body’s reactions to physical and mental stressors (10, 11).

In fact, people from Europe and Asia have used it for a long time to help treat mental disorders and fatigue. 

But it’s also shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects to name a few of the potential therapeutic uses (10).

In an animal study, Rhodiola rosea in combination with citrus aurantium was shown to reduce fat cells that contribute to insulin resistance metabolic disease (12).

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne isn’t just for spicing up your favorite dishes, it’s surprisingly a commonly used ingredient in fat-loss products. 

The main ingredient found in cayenne pepper is called capsaicin which is the compound believed to elicit fat-loss enhancing effects.

Cayenne Peppers

Cayenne Peppers

But does it really work? Do spicy peppers help you to burn more calories? 

According to research, cayenne has thermogenic and appetite-suppressing effects that help to lose fat. Diet-induced thermogenesis causes a rise in body temperature leading to an increase in calories burned.

However, its effects on appetite would contribute more to fat loss just because foods typically don’t boost the metabolism enough to cause significant calorie-burning (13).

Cayenne could make you less hungry by reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin (14, 15).

Eating fewer calories and enough to cause an energy deficit will ultimately cause you to shed body fat and weight. 

It’s important to note that any effects from cayenne are likely to reach a point of diminishing returns according to the research we found on it. 

Related: The Top 20 Simple Weight Loss Tips


You may have never heard of this ingredient and for good reason, because there’s not much research on it. But fucoxanthin is the brown pigment in some types of edible seaweeds and it’s known as a carotenoid.

But why is it added to Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner? Well, it may possess qualities that make it thermogenic and anti-obesity (16).

Thermogenesis is when the body produces heat which can increase calorie burn and help with fat loss. 

But one study found that a combination of 300mg brown seaweed extract with 2.4 mg fucoxanthin and 300mg pomegranate seed oil caused a significant reduction in body weight and liver fat content in women who were treated for 16 days (17).

Animal studies show that fucoxanthin can be preventing and treating lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, etc. 

Related: 10 Best Fat Burners for Men (Ranked and Tested 2021)

Can Transparent Labs Stim-Free Fat Burner Cause Side Effects?

Fat-Burner Stim Free Caps

Fat-Burner Stim Free Caps

It’s feasible to say that any nutritional supplement can cause side effects. Although, it depends on the product and how an individual may react to a certain ingredient.

That’s why anyone with medical needs or a history with it should consult with a medical professional prior to using any supplements, and especially ones with a list of ingredients. 

Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner doesn’t contain caffeine or anything similar which many try and avoid. But there are herbal compounds that work in the body to elicit some sort of change or effect that users should be aware of. 

Cost and Discount

There are a few different purchase options with Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner. As with most pricing structures, the more bottles you purchase, the less you’ll spend.

But for the quality of the product and the amount of each ingredient, none of the cost options are unreasonable. 

There are 120 capsules per bottle and 60 servings since you’re supposed to take 2 pills twice per day, so you get a one-month supply per bottle.

You’ll have to pay shipping which depends on your location but they do offer free shipping when you spend $150 (only in the US). 

  • 1 bottle: $49
  • 2 bottles: $89 (save $9)
  • 3 bottles: $119 (save $28)

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free

Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner contains an impressive ingredient profile; it’s a viable option that doesn’t contain caffeine and other stimulants.


Want the caffeine version of the Transparent Labs Fat Burner at the same cost? Click here to read our full review.

Is Transparent Labs Stim-Free Fat Burner Worth The Buy?

Transparent Labs Stim Free Fat Burner

Transparent Labs Stim Free Fat Burner

If you’re looking for a high-quality stimulant-free fat burner then absolutely!

We can say that with a degree of confidence as Transparent Labs has certainly proven that they belong in the same conversation with the top reputable brands.

But looking at the ingredients and learning about the potential benefits is another reason. 

Transparent Lab fat burner is marketed to help increase metabolic rate, target body fat, and suppress appetite, of which we think the formula and doses are conducive to doing so to a degree, even if an ingredient or two doesn’t have as much research behind it. 

But you must implement an appropriate diet and exercise regime while maintaining a healthy overall lifestyle to maximize the results that you get with any supplement. 

Overall Rating

  • Ingredients: 10/10
  • Effectiveness: 9.8/10
  • Price: 9.5/10


Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner is a product that’s worthwhile not only because it contains an impressive ingredient profile; it’s a viable option that doesn’t contain caffeine and other stimulants.

Not that there’s anything wrong with these ingredients, but they aren’t for everyone. Plus, most of the ingredients in this product do have promising research behind their use and it’s well-dosed from a company that puts a lot of effort into their supplement lineup. 

While we recommend Transparent Labs stim-free fat burner product to help you achieve your goals, remember, it’s an aid and a supplement to a good eating regime, exercise plan, and overall discipline with your lifestyle.

Want a caffeine-free pre-workout to go with your stim-free fat burner? Check out our top picks here.


1. Traina, Giovanna (2016-06-01). The neurobiology of acetyl-L-carnitine. Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition). 21: 1314–1329.

2. Pooyandjoo, M.; Nouhi, M.; Shab-Bidar, S.; Djafarian, K.; Olyaeemanesh, A. (2016-10). The effect of (L-)carnitine on weight loss in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 17 (10): 970–976.

3. Orer, Gamze E.; Guzel, Nevin A. (2014-02). The effects of acute L-carnitine supplementation on endurance performance of athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28 (2): 514–519.

4. Spiering, Barry A.; Kraemer, William J.; Hatfield, Disa L.; Vingren, Jakob L.; Fragala, Maren S.; Ho, Jen-Yu; Thomas, Gwendolyn A.; Häkkinen, Keijo; Volek, Jeff S. (2008-07). Effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on muscle oxygenation responses to resistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 22 (4): 1130–1135.

5. Kraemer, William J.; Volek, Jeff S.; French, Duncan N.; Rubin, Martyn R.; Sharman, Matthew J.; Gómez, Ana L.; Ratamess, Nicholas A.; Newton, Robert U.; Jemiolo, Bozena; Craig, Bruce W.; Häkkinen, Keijo (2003-08). The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 17 (3): 455–462.

6. Giamberardino, M. A.; Dragani, L.; Valente, R.; Di Lisa, F.; Saggini, R.; Vecchiet, L. (July 1996). Effects of prolonged L-carnitine administration on delayed muscle pain and CK release after eccentric effort. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 17 (5): 320–324.

7. Godard, Michael P.; Johnson, Brad A.; Richmond, Scott R. (2005-08). Body composition and hormonal adaptations associated with forskolin consumption in overweight and obese men. Obesity Research. 13 (8): 1335–1343.

8. Heisler, Lora K.; Jobst, Erin E.; Sutton, Gregory M.; Zhou, Ligang; Borok, Erzsebet; Thornton-Jones, Zoe; Liu, Hong Yan; Zigman, Jeffrey M.; Balthasar, Nina; Kishi, Toshiro; Lee, Charlotte E. (2006-07-20). “Serotonin reciprocally regulates melanocortin neurons to modulate food intake”. Neuron. 51 (2): 239–249.

9. Cangiano, C.; Laviano, A.; Del Ben, M.; Preziosa, I.; Angelico, F.; Cascino, A.; Rossi-Fanelli, F. (July 1998). Effects of oral 5-hydroxy-tryptophan on energy intake and macronutrient selection in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 22 (7): 648–654.

10. Li, Yonghong; Pham, Victor; Bui, Michelle; Song, Liankun; Wu, Chunli; Walia, Arman; Uchio, Edward; Smith-Liu, Feng; Zi, Xiaolin (2017-12). Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention. Current pharmacology reports. 3 (6): 384–395. 

11. Cropley, Mark; Banks, Adrian P.; Boyle, Julia (2015-12). The Effects of Rhodiola rosea L. Extract on Anxiety, Stress, Cognition and Other Mood Symptoms. Phytotherapy research: PTR. 29 (12): 1934–1939.

12. Verpeut, Jessica L.; Walters, Amy L.; Bello, Nicholas T. (2013-6). Citrus aurantium and Rhodiola rosea in combination reduce visceral white adipose tissue and increase hypothalamic norepinephrine in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.). 33 (6).

13. The effects of hedonically acceptable red pepper doses on thermogenesis and appetite. Physiology & Behavior. 102 (3–4): 251–258. 2011-03-01.

14. Smeets, Astrid J.; Westerterp-Plantenga, Margriet S. (2009-6). The acute effects of a lunch containing capsaicin on energy and substrate utilisation, hormones, and satiety. European Journal of Nutrition. 48 (4): 229–234. 

15. Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S.; Smeets, A.; Lejeune, M. P. G. (2005-06). Sensory and gastrointestinal satiety effects of capsaicin on food intake. International Journal of Obesity (2005). 29 (6): 682–688.

16. Fucoxanthin from edible seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida, shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 332 (2): 392–397. 2005-07-01.

17. Zhang, Hui; Tang, Yibo; Zhang, Ying; Zhang, Shuofeng; Qu, Jing; Wang, Xu; Kong, Ran; Han, Chunchao; Liu, Zhenquan (2015). Fucoxanthin: A Promising Medicinal and Nutritional Ingredient. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. 2015.

The Review

Fat Burner Stim-Free


  • Always transparent label
  • Fairly priced for what you get
  • No stims
  • No harmful additives or fillers
  • Veggie-friendly


  • Few ingredients show mixed results for desired effects

Review Breakdown





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