Eddie Hall Tears Bicep, Fight With Hafthor Bjornsson Postponed

Eddie Hall injures his bicep and the Hafthor Bjornsson bout has been postponed.
Well that’s disappointing. Eddie Hall has apparently tore his bicep and is out of his fight with Hafthor Bjornsson. That is definitely not the news anyone wanted to hear. Unfortunately the news is all too true.
It appears that Eddie Hall injured his bicep during his training for his bout with Hafthor Bjornsson. Apparently Eddie Hall threw a lead hook during his training and the muscle tore off the bone. Luckily the strongman was able to get the muscle reattached. The not so sunny news is that the bout with Bjornsson will have to wait.
This is a real bummer, especially since the fight was right around the corner. Both Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson seemed more than ready to get the show on the road. Unfortunately no one can predict an injury and the injury bug decided to rear it’s ugly, disruptive head just a month out from the big fight.
Eddie Hall went on to explain how the injury occurred. Suffice it to say the strongman was none too happy about the occurrence.
“I’ve had it [the biceps] reattached, which is the good news,” Hall said in a recent video. “All I did was throw a lazy hook — nothing too crazy, just a lazy hook to set up a backhand — and it just snapped off. It’s probably an underlying issue from strongman, probably half detached it and then the hook was enough to take the rest of it off and it rolled up my arm.”
You can see the full video of Eddie Hall here.
To be honest, Eddie Hall may have used some bad technique which is the real culprit. Bad technique can get you severely injured in this game. It’s why many brawlers have a short career in boxing an MMA versus the technically sound competitors.
Moving On
It appears that Hafthor Bjornsson isn’t planning on waiting for his foe to heal up. Instead Bjornsson has chosen to find another opponent for the September date. Bjornsson has already had a number of exhibition bouts over the past year, what’s another?
The only issue is all those tickets sold for a bout that won’t happen. It’s certainly a bitter pill to swallow. Likely refunds will be issued, but the whole situation is just unfortunate. The bout will eventually go down but until that day we’ll simply have to wait for Eddie Hall to heal and Hafthor Bjornsson to take another exhibition bout.
What do think of the Eddie Hall versus Hafthor Bjornsson fight being postponed?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.