Nick Walker Does Insane 200Lb Incline Dumbbell Press

Nick Walker pushes 200lb dumbbells!
Nick Walker put up some serious numbers in the gym recently as he performed the incline dumbbell press with 200lb dumbbells. The mass monster continues on his mission for even more muscle as he trains in his off season.
One of the most talented up and coming bodybuilders, Nick Walker is always looking to push his limits. The young up and comer has been hard at work in the gym putting up some serious numbers during his training. Hoping to make some considerable gains before stepping on stage again, Walker is taking no prisoners and his strength is exceptional.
The Mission
Nick Walker has been looking to make some solid gains in the last several months. Ever since taking fifth at the 2021 Olympia, Walker has been on a mission. He believed that he could have placed higher but isn’t allowing his ego to take the driver’s seat. Instead Walker is taking a much more refreshing approach and holding himself accountable.
As such, Nick Walker is intent on building quality muscle. But not just building up shoulders or biceps. Walker is looking to build his entire body while maintaining a trim midsection. As such he’s putting up some incredible numbers in the gym. A recent training session saw Walker put up 160lbs for 18 reps on the incline bench press.
First set from yesterday 160s for 18 reps!!!!!! Feeling strong now!!!!!!!!
200Lb Incline Dumbbell Press
But Nick Walker was apparently only getting started. Lately Walker has been putting up some impressive numbers in training. That said, his most recent feats in the gym are putting many heavy lifters to shame.
After putting up 160lbs for 18 reps, Nick Walker would go on to push an astonishing 200lbs!
Was feeling really good today!!!! Went heavy on incline db press 3rd set in went after the 200s for 6 reps
1st set was the 160s for 18 reps
2nd set was the 180s for 12 reps
3rd was the 200s for 6 reps.
Then ended with some Biceps!!!!!!!
What do think of Nick Walker and his ever developing physique?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.