Patrick Moore Reveals The Game-Changing Advice He Received From Phil Heath

Phil Heath gave Patrick Moore some powerful advice that may have affected Patrick Moore’s decision to sit out of the 2022 season.
Patrick Moore is a pro bodybuilder that has gained a lot of attention and hype over the past few years. So it came as somewhat of a shock when Moore announced he would not compete in 2022 and focus on growing and improving his physique. During our conversation with Moore right before the Olympia 2021, he revealed some key advice he received from Phil Heath. Looking back, that advice might play into Moore’s 2022 decision. In our latest GI Exclusive, Patrick Moore details the valuable advice he received from seven time Olympia champion Phil Heath.
Patrick Moore considers himself lucky to call Phil Heath a friend. They exchange texts and talk somewhat regularly. That’s a powerful friend to have in the bodybuilding world. Moore is able to pick the mind of one of the greatest Olympia champions in the history of the sport. During our conversation with Moore, we asked him about that friendship and if it’s provided insight into his own training and contest prep.
Patrick Moore reveals that he, in fact, trained with Phil Heath not too long before the Olympia 2021. During that training session, Moore also received sage advice from Heath. Our conversation took place before the Olympia and well before his announcement to not compete in 2022. But looking back at our discussion and the details of Heath’s advice – it seems that perhaps he had some strong influence on Moore’s recent decision to focus on growth and not compete next year.
During our interview, Patrick Moore explains that Phil Heath strongly urged Moore not to compete in the Olympia 2021. This ultimately didn’t happen. While Moore has not publicly confirmed this – it seems a combination of his recent Olympia experience and his conversation with Phil Heath ultimately led to his new direction going into the 2022 season.
“The biggest thing that he told me was in line kind of what I wanted to do already. He told me to take my time,” Patrick Moore stated in our interview. He continued:
“And he actually advised me to entertain the idea of sitting out of this Olympia. Which I 100% understand because he was saying, ‘Man, I want you to be successful. I want you to crack the top spots…’ He told me, ‘If you want to be the best you’re really going to have to go to another level with your dedication.”
Patrick Moore goes on to explain that Phil Heath went into more detail about exactly how Moore could improve to get to the next level. Moore was lucky enough to have Heath sit down and go over every aspect of living the life of a pro bodybuilder. While Moore did not reveal the exact secrets, he made it clear that Phil Heath broke down exact areas where Moore needed to improve – not only his tactics but his dedication.
While this might sound like a slight on Patrick Moore’s passion, the reality was far from it. Moore admits that he is extremely passionate and dedicated to the sport. In fact, speaking with Heath opened up his eyes to just how far beyond greatness a competitor needs to be in order to become the absolute best in the world. Heath shared advice on not only how to win one Olympia – but to be a consistent champion for years to come.
The hard part, of course, is taking that concept and turning it into reality. Patrick Moore ultimately decided to compete at the Olympia 2021. Now, shortly after that competition, his announcement of staying off stage for 2022 seems to be a direct reaction to Phil Heath’s advice. He’s taking a long needed break. Not from bodybuilding but from the stage. So he can dig deep and focus on upgrading to the next level.
With Patrick Moore already an impressive bodybuilder and now with Phil Heath’s occasional advice in his corner – we believe that it’s very possible we see an even further transformed Moore in 2023 and beyond.
You can watch Patrick Moore go into full detail about Phil Heath’s advice in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!