William Bonac’s big Promise 4 days out of Mr. Olympia ?Derek will be unstoppable +Shredded Charles

#MrOlympia , #Bodybuilding ,
William Bonac says he is bringing the Sandow at Mr Olympia 2022 , Can Bonac beat Big Ramy ? Ronnie Coleman says Derek can win the Olympia , Can Derek beat Hunter & Nick Walker ? Charles Griffen is on point 4 days out of the Olympia , Angel Calderon will fight for the top spot in 212 Olympia
0:00 William Bonac
0:52Jay Cutler on Bonac
1:23 Best Version
1:53 Bonac’s Promise
2:49 Ronnie Coleman on Derek
3:20 Ronnie’s Comments
4:10 Nick on Derek
4:41 Charles Griffen
5:22 Charles is Ready
6:04 Angel Calderon
6:35 Angel vs Shaun
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