Nick Walker Does Massive 165Lb Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Nick Walker is looking insanely huge in recent training video.
Nick Walker pushes an enormous 165lbs as performs shoulder presses in a recent training video. Walker is clearly teaching a new level of monstrous as he preps to qualify for the 2022 Olympia.
Nick Walker recently showcased once again why he one of the top prospects to watch in the coming years. In a recent training session Walker showcased some incredible strength in a recent training session that must be seen to be believed. Walker is hefting some pretty incredible weight in the gym and is looking truly inhuman.
Known for his incredibly massive frame, Nick Walker is looking to build an even more monstrous frame to outdo the competition. Walker is looking to build up his lats and shoulders while maintaining a slimmer waist to give the illusion of a trim V-Taper. As a result of his goal he is constantly in the gym hoping to make even the slightest improvement to his physique. It’s clear that Walker is playing for keeps and is putting his all into his training.
Pushing Massive Weight
Looking to punch his ticket to the 2022 Olympia, Nick Walker has been pushing himself relentlessly. Walker recently hit shoulders in the gym and put up some serious numbers. Walker did dumbbell shoulder presses with an astounding 165lbs.
The past few months mentally I was pretty out of it. But now I’m back, I’m where I belong now.
165 pound shoulder press for 10 reps
Nick Walker is looking extra massive and shows no signs of slowing down.
200 pound db rows!!!!! Been a minute since I did this!!!! And boy did this feel good.
It’s clear that Nick Walker is turning a corner and taking no prisoners.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.