Sleep Problems? Here Are 10 Ways To Sleep Like A Baby

10 Ways To Sleep Better
A good night’s sleep is one of the most underrated things and we feel like it is not talked about enough in the fitness circles. Waking up refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world is the feeling that all of us would love to have but only a few ever do.
Sleep deprivation is unhealthy and some of its effects include immune system failure, diabetes, cancer, obesity, depression, and memory loss. Whether you suffer from insomnia, are a light sleeper or a night owl, these tips should help you improve your sleep.
Get More Sunlight During the Day
A naturally secreted hormone called melatonin is one of the most vital things that induces great sleep. Sunlight provides the natural spectrum of light that we need to help coordinate the cycle of melatonin production. Melatonin then sends a signal to regulate the sleep-wake cycle in your body.
Avoid Screens Before Bedtime
Using phones, computers or tablets too close to bedtime is a big reason why many people have trouble falling asleep. Your electronic devices transmit a “blue light” that triggers the body to produce more daytime hormones (like cortisol) and disorient your body’s natural preparation for sleep.
Limit Caffeine
Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can disrupt your sleep cycle. You should set a caffeine curfew time and stick to it. Setting a cut-off time will give your body time to remove it from your system.
Cool Down
According to a study by the Harvard Medical School, your body begins to drop in temperature right before you fall asleep. During sleep, your core temp is reduced by 1 to 2°F, as a way to conserve energy. Sleeping in a colder room will help you drop to that level faster, which will help you fall asleep (and stay that way) quicker.
Keep Your Gadgets Out of the Room
Studies have shown that Electromagnetic Fields or Electromagnetic Noise (EMFs) coming from our everyday electronic devices can disrupt communication between the cells in our body. Turn your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary and keep all the distracting elements out of it.
Eat a High Protein Low Carb Snack Close To Bedtime
Eating a high carb meal before bedtime can cause a sharp drop in blood sugar levels which can cause trouble in falling asleep or wake you up if you’re sleeping. Having a high protein meal at least 90-minutes before your bedtime can aid in falling and staying asleep.
Cut the Booze
Although alcohol might help you in falling asleep faster, it disrupts the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and you won’t be able to fall into deeper levels of sleep, and your brain and body won’t be able to fully rejuvenate.
Shut Your Brain
This is easier said than done. Now and then the stress from work, home, finances can get to you. If you have trouble falling asleep, meditating for 10-15 minutes on the bed can put you to sleep faster.
Set an Alarm
This might sound counter-intuitive but one of the best things you can do to improve your sleep is to get up early. Knowing that you have to wake up at a certain time will make you hit the bed at the right time.
Ideally, you should fix your sleep problem by working on your lifestyle but if you don’t seem to be making progress, supplements can be a lifesaver. If you do end up taking medication or supplements, make sure you don’t form a dependency.
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.