DECA EXPOSED! WORST Side Effects, Worth Taking? #askDave

1:40 – Bent over rows, any benefits to using a reverse grip?
4:00 – Dave do you feel synthol is safe? I know at some point it breaks down into the blood stream so is it actually safe?
7:54 – Does home state weather affect a bodybuilder’s dieting strategy? Like will a bodybuilder who lives in New York be more likely to bulk harder during the fall and winter when he’s covered up, whereas a bodybuilder in Florida might stay leaner year round?
11:23 – Injectable dianabol: Do you stick to the same dosage as the oral form? I’ve always liked 40mg of oral dbol but want to try injectable.
12:40 – SEO Insta size product for upper chest and side delts?
15:00 – When carb cycling do you prefer to do it on a day basis or do you focus on specific days of the week to match the training? Example 3 days low 1 day high or every Monday is a high day?
17:53 – Do u measure your meats cooked vs uncooked and does it make such a difference on prep?
19:17 – Tore my chest about 8-9 weeks ago. All muscle and no tendon tear. But did lose a bit of fibers up by the shoulder on the side. So there’s a little bit of chest missing. Are those fibers gone forever or can some grow back?
20:30 – I did a very small « cycle » of 50 mg of DECA a week for 4 weeks along with my TRT of 175mg/week . The goal was to help with my shoulder pain. It did help but since then i’ve been depressed and even had panic attacks. Can that be related to the DECA and if so can suggest a solution?
22:00 – I’m a fan of milk (2% & whole mixed) for lots of reasons. I understand it’s not favorable for those who are lactose intolerant, however; is it true that it actually can cause an inflammation response in the muscles, similarly to how arachidonic acid does in red meat.
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