The Most DANGEROUS Cycle I’ve Ever Seen! #askDave

0:00 – Intro
2:38 – Im 6’4 with broad shoulders so upper chest was always a struggle for mind to muscle connection. It has grown over the years but what else can I do to really improve the upper chest pump?
5:00 – Dave, in the division Men’s Physique, do we need to use GH to be competitive on high levels nowdays, or do you think just with Test/Anabolics can achieve pro levels in terms of muscle growth.
10:57 – What’s more ideal for growing arms — dedicated arm days, or, more frequent arm training after other body parts?
13:22 – Most dangerous cycle you’ve ever heard of?
16:00 – I had valve replacement surgery about 3 years ago and I actually talked to you on a phone consult just after. Im currently on eliquis 5mg twice a day. Is it out of the question to consider taking v-mineralyze or omegalyze?
17:11 – What were some of the biggest mistakes you made in training, nutrition and recovery as you progressed throughout your bodybuilding career and what did you do to correct them in order to progress further?
20:58 – If you’re dipping your toe with PEDs and you’re already in top of range TRT and lean (10% bf) what are your thoughts on Primo or Masteron as a first cycle on top of TRT and low dose GH?
22:16 – Can you dry scoop FIBERLYZE?
23:45 – If you’re eating 6+ times a day – do you need to brush every single time?
26:22 – As a bodybuilder gets older into their 50s and 60s with joint replacements how does their training, nutrition and recovery change?
28:12 – Why do some bodybuilders use EPO’s? Don’t anabolics do the same thing, but in a safer capacity?
29:00 – Dave’s ARNOLD CLASSIC TOP-5 Predictions.
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