Aaron Singerman Details Reasons For Pulling RedCon1 Sponsorship From Arnold Classic

Aaron Singerman speaks on removing RedCon1 from the Arnold Classic.
Aaron Singerman recently talked about why he removed RedCon1 from the Arnold Classic during a recent interview on the Valuetainment podcast.
The fallout of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s statements on freedom reverberated deeply in the bodybuilding community. Arnold Schwarzenegger said some things that made quite a few people in the bodybuilding community upset. One of those individuals is RedCon1 owner and operator Aaron Singerman.
A bodybuilding enthusiast and heavy hitter in the supplement industry, Aaron Singerman has cemented himself as a powerful business owner. With his RedCon1 brand, Singerman has become one of the major players in the supplement industry. RedCon1 has established itself as one of the most well regarded, well respected supplement brand in the world. As such, Singerman commands a great deal of influence.
Removing The Sponsorship
So when Aaron Singerman decided to remove RedCon1 as a sponsor at the Arnold Classic it sent shockwaves through the industry. Singerman was truly upset by the statements Arnold Schwarzenegger made. As such, Singerman decided to pull his supplement brand.
Appearing on a recent podcast on Valuetainment, Aaron Singerman went into details about his thoughts, feelings, and reasonings on the situation.
“I told (my wife), I’m like damn, this guy came from Austria, had nothing, created this empire, this iconic brand, Arnold brand. Everything about him is great, I love him, I looked up to him as a kid. Now he says this, and if he stayed in Austria, he wouldn’t be s—t. He’d be like a charismatic farmer or something. What would he be? He’d be a police officer or whatever,” said Singerman.
“The reason why he got famous, is because Joe Weider gave him the opportunity to move to America, him and Franco (Columbo) started their own business, he went to college and he got in movies, and everything he’s done is so awesome. It’s something that I really look up to.”
Sticking To The Decision
Singerman does sound conflicted about his feelings on the situation, but that didn’t change his mind removing his sponsorship. Singerman was dead set on standing by his own values.
“I’m obviously not for cancel culture. I just think that people need to not support people with their dollars. So as a business owner or even as an individual consumer, if you don’t believe what the thing stands for, you actually are making a difference. You’re able to vote by not sending your dollars. So to send him a few hundred thousand bucks just felt really wrong,” explained Singerman.
Aaron Singerman clearly thought a great deal about this situation. He didn’t make the decision rashly.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.