Insulin Dose For MAX Anabolic Gains? | Dave Palumbo Q&A | #askDave

Register for Dave’s “Secrets to Becoming a Diet Guru” Class:
0:00 – Intro
5:50 – What’s the best way to control carpal tunnel with GH use?
I respond differently to Pharmaceutical brands- Pfizer, Merck, Cinnatropin, etc. Currently using 6IU 4 days a week, and 2IU 3 days a week.
I know I could lower the dose but my hands aren’t numb during the day
8:05 – Yohimbe for fat loss… thoughts?
11:48 – What are your thoughts on the new research out that your body can utilize 100grams of whey protein post workout. It has always been said you couldn’t.
15:25 – What was the most insane bodypart that you have ever seen? Was it mazaratto’s calves? Were there any bodybuilders who absolutely blew your mind when you met them in person in shape?
18:30 – Dave’s thoughts on follistatin.
20:45 – Is there a way to mitigate hair loss with a dht compound like Masteron or Primobolan, if you’re prone or not to male pattern baldness? Also, when is the species meal bag going to be back in stock?
25:40 – Do you think semorelin or gh would be cardioreparative; or even test.? I have a heart arrhythmia which weakens the heart muscle.
29:00 – Whats a fast but safe way to shed 2kg in one day so you. Can make your weight limit in weight ins?
32:20 – Dave recently had a ct scan for possible hernia, been having nagging discomfort/pain in area below where appendix used to be. During the scan they found scattered lesions in my pancreas, largest 8mm. Blood work came back with my Lipase doubled. At a minimum it’s looking like mild acute pancreatitis. Still have a MRI to do but in the mean time what can I do diet wise? Been using fiberlyze religiously for yrs and #2 has been soft for something so which leads me to this problem being present for sometime and pain is from that and not hernia although scan showed small hernias on both sides but pain only on one side
35:20 – I’ve heard you mention before that you took testosterone prior to ankle fusion surgery to make sure it heals properly. Can you exbound on the healing effects of testosterone and should people take testosterone prior to certain types of procedures?
37:24 – How much insulin needs to be used and for how long to see the size
gaining anabolic effects
43:25 – Any benefit to adding masteron to an off-season gaining cycle?
45:02 – For ageless and fine line forehead wrinkles what type of collagen and or brand do you recommend to build back up facial muscle integrity?
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