Read This To Make Continuous Progress in The Gym

Make Constant Progress With These Tips
If you have been working out for some time, chances are you know what it feels like to hit a plateau. Hitting a plateau is the feeling you get when you’re hurdling but in place of a hurdle, there’s a wall, and no matter how fast you run, you can’t pass through it.
Making constant progress year-on-year is something everyone wants but only a few get. In this article, we’ll be sharing the tricks the pros use to make continuous improvements and avoid hitting roadblocks.
Keep Challenging Your Body
You aren’t going to keep improving until you keep challenging your muscles. Every time you’re in the gym, do something to shock your body. Lift heavier weights than you did the last time, try a new training technique or triple the number of reps you usually perform.
Once your muscles get used to your way of training, it’s game over for you. A good rule of thumb should be, if you’re comfortable in the gym, you’re doing it wrong. If you follow some of the pros on social media, you’ll see them taking their bodies through grueling workouts, and that is the secret to their success.
Keep Your Recovery On Point
Most people make the mistake of underplaying the importance of recovery in their transformation. They think the only thing that matters for muscle building is how hard they train.
It may come as a surprise to some people, but the role of the right diet and recovery combined form a bigger part in a body transformation as compared to training alone. Make sure your nutrition plan and recovery schedule is in line with your goals.
Shake Up Your Routine
Following the same routine day in and day out can become monotonous. Nothing exciting comes your way if you’re leading a boring life. You need to shake things up constantly to see constant progress.
If you have been following the same diet for a long time, it might be time to try something new. Switching to a new gym or finding yourself a new training partner or a coach can be enough to spark new growth.
Expand Your Knowledge
With the advancement in research in fitness, new things are being discovered constantly. Keeping yourself updated with the developments in the sport can help keep your progress graph pointing upwards.
The more you learn, the better understanding you’ll have of things you’re doing, and ways to make them more effective. Also, knowledge is what separates the pros from the gym bros.
Take A Break
Sometimes when people are stuck in a plateau, they try to push themselves harder in the gym which can do more harm than good. Overtraining is one of the most talked-about and yet misunderstood concepts in fitness.
Overtraining can take a toll on your central nervous system (CNS) and impair your body’s ability to make progress. If you’re not successful in breaking through the overhead ceiling, it might be better to take a break and give your body time to recover.
Have you ever been injured in the gym? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements