A Day in the Life of Eddie Hall

The UK’s Eddie Hall won the World’s Strongest Man contest in 2017 before retiring from the sport of strongman. Since then, Hall has been entertaining his millions of YouTube subscribers with his varied exploits, including wrestling, boxing and tank driving.
Hall is currently training for a mixed martial arts (MMA) match with, amongst others, fellow strongman Brian Shaw and Hall’s eventual opponent, the 2023 World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper. For insight into how Hall is training for his MMA bout, Hall shared a video on his YouTube channel on Jan. 8, 2024, that offered a glimpse of what a day in his life is like. Check it out below:
Hall starts his day with an ice-cold shower, as recommended by cold therapy advocate Wim Hof. Hall has a chilled water tank in his house to deliver the water at a chilly 3°C. Hall takes cold showers at least twice a day and espoused the method for helping with stress and cortisol reduction.
Hall greatly detailed his supplement stack and the many different compounds incorporated into his morning shake, which he consumes before his daily run with the family dog. Hall’s stretching routine occurs before he eats a hearty breakfast, which, in this case, comprises steak, eggs, sourdough toast, and vegetables. He then headed to his first training session of the day to practice his MMA.
After an hour of sparring, bag work, and movement drills, Hall returned home for a quick sunbed session (for vitamin D rather than tanning) and another dose of cold water therapy. Hall shared his eating habits during his lunch of chicken and vegetables, explaining that he adds a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to every meal to help suppress inflammation.
After lunch, Hall went to a local food bank for his volunteer work before picking up his son from school and heading to the gym for a father-son training session. Hall seems to effectively fit family time around his punishing training schedule. Their time in the weight room featured cleans, bench presses, and lat pulldowns.
After dropping his son off at home, Hall, who was a national swimming champion in his youth, traveled to the pool for a half hour of swimming intervals for cardio fitness and mobility.
There’s time for a physiotherapy session before Hall’s dinner of chicken, potatoes, and vegetables. Afterward, Hall walked downstairs to his hyperbaric chamber, a form of therapy he’s used since 2015, which he credits for his improved recovery. Hall chills in the chamber for an hour and a half while listening to music to decompress from a full day.
Hall ends his night with a snack of Greek yogurt, blueberries, and another comprehensive round of supplements. Hall’s night-time supplement regime is one of the most valuable he does and he offers a detailed breakdown at the 41:10 mark in the video.
Hall seems extremely focused in his training for his MMA match against Hooper in Qatar on Feb. 17, 2024. While it isn’t strongman, it is still an event fans won’t want to miss.
Featured image: @eddiehallwsm on Instagram
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