Clenbuterol Cycle Guide To Burning Fat
How To Use Ketotifen with Clenbuterol Cycle

Clenbuterol Cycle Guide To Burning Fat
Clenbuterol Cycle (often referred to simply as ‘Clen’) is not an anabolic steroid, but a Beta 2 Sympathomitetic and central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It is a specific agonist, stimulating the adrenergic beta 2 receptors. It is used in certain countries in a medical sense as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma, though not in the UK and USA, mainly due to its long half life.
Is clenbuterol an Anabolic Steroid?
- Clenbuterol (often referred to simply as ‘Clen’) is not an anabolic steroid, but a Beta 2 Sympathomitetic and central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It is a specific agonist, stimulating the adrenergic beta 2 receptors. It is used in certain countries in a medical sense as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma, though not in the UK and USA, mainly due to its long half life.Bodybuilders and fitness athletes use clenbuterol cycle to burn fat quickly and effectivly.
Is 12 Weeks enough time for fat loss?
- Yes 12 week cycle is plenty of time. Men usually take dosages around 40 micrograms (MCG) while women use roughly half that dosage at 20 micrograms. Some clen users extend their cycle with ketotifen.
How To Use Ketotifen with Clenbuterol Cycle
- Ketotifen is an anti-histamine used medically to treat bronchial asthma and allergies. It has a sedative and depressant effect on the brain. It acts by decreasing the release of histamine which is a chemical released when an allergic reaction occurs. Ketotifen blocks the action of histamine on special histamine receptors and reduces the nerve response when an allergic reaction occurs.
- Histamine is the chemical in the body that causes the symptoms of an allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction. These can include inflammation of the skin, airways or tissues, rashes, itching and of the skin, eyes or nose, nasal congestion and narrowing of the airways. By blocking the actions of histamine, ketotifen may prevent and relieve the narrowing of the airways that occurs in asthma due to allergies.
- However, bodybuilders are interested in the drug as it has been shown to inhibit the down regulation of the beta receptors, including the beta 2s that clen stimulates. As long as you are taking ketotifen, it will continue to clean these receptors, never allowing them to downregulate, even while on a heavy clen cycle. That means you can continue to take clen indefinitely without having to cycle off to regenerate the receptors. A dose of 2-3mg daily can upregulate even severely shut down receptors within a week.
- It also means that you don’t need as much clen to get the same benefits. It seems you can take about 30-40% less clen and it be equally effective.
- No studies have been done to find the most effective dose though most users should find 3-4mg daily ideal, which can be split or taken in one sitting. Higher doses are likely to cause (sometimes severe) drowsiness and increase appetite.
Clenbuerol Common Side Effects?
- Clenbuterol has possible side effects, including; tremors and cramps, nausea, anxiety, sweating, headaches and increased appetite, muscle cramps, raised blood pressure, central nervous system degradation.
Is Pyramid Cycle Needed ?
- Its advisable to ramp your clenbuterol up and down, although isnt absolutely needed like it with other popular fat burning drugs like cytomel T3 or t4.
Is Clen an effective Fat burner?
- Yes it is an extremely effective fat burning agent.
How Much Dieting and Exercise Is Needed?
- You should always maintain your normal exercise and weight lifting routines.
Will I lose Muscle Mass during cutting cycle?
- You can lose hard earned muscle mass if your diet is too restrictive.
The goal when using clenbuterol is geared toward weight loss, most specifically, enhancing your metabolic function. Small amounts of clen can go a long way when it comes to effectiveness. For men, a good starting dose would be 40 mcg’s each day and 20 mcg for women. This is not to say that you cannot begin with a higher dose, but it would be best to ease into it and starting at a higher dose can put you at a much higher risk of side effects and complications from use. Generally, a person’s body will adjust to the effects of clenbuterol, or desensitize, so the dosage will need to be increased during the cycle to coincide with this. This makes it even wiser to start at a smaller dose. It is not in the best interest of the user to reach the highest dose too quickly. As you finally achieve maximum dosing, you are clearly at a sticking point and would need to go from there.llo there!
As previously stated, the further into the cycle you go, the dosage needs to be adjusted accordingly, which would be a slow and steady increase throughout. The general protocol for clen is to take it as a cycle. Clenbuterol is a beta-2 stimulator, so the body will adapt to use at a far more rapid pace although this can also be over exaggerated amongst users as well. There is a common misconception from many that as certain side effects dissipate, especially that of feeling constantly stimulated, that the efficacy of clen is not there. This thought falls under the category of “myth” as it is a general thought that is and has shown to be false. Misconceptions are prevalent and it is important to realize this concept and act accordingly. One dose of clen can produce metabolic enhancement up to six weeks. It is true that as the six week period draws near, the effects will begin to fade but the metabolic enhancement experience will still be at a higher level than it was before the cycle began. Many users will grow antsy and will being to raise intake after only a handful of days. This is not a wise move and likely will hinder far more than help.

Example clenbuterol cycle:
Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
Day6-Day12: 100mcg
Day13: 80mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to normal gradually)
Day14: 60mcg
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack
Example of a second cycle:
Day1: 60mcg
Day2: 80mcg
Day3: 80mcg
Day4: 100mcg
Day5: 100mcg
Day6-Day12: 120mcg
Day13: 100mcg
Day14: 80mcg
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack
Do not take Clen Past 4pm and drink plenty of water: 1.5-2 gallons a day.
The best method for gradually increasing intake would be to raise the initial dose by 20 mcg’s ever 14-17 days as needed. Many users are able to go 4 weeks without ever raising the dose although this may be a bit conservative as well. This approach is more gradual and more conservative. The cycle should not exceed 6 weeks. Most users will start to increase their dosing after 2 weeks but with incremental increases, it allows your body to continue guessing and not fully adapt to clen, thus making it effective throughout.
The Cutting Phase Aggressive Approach:
I have previously stated that the body will adapt to clenbuterol dosing, thus requiring an increase of dosage during the cycle to run it most effectively. The most commonly used method of clenbuterol dosing is that of 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off with a steady, incremental dosing scheme. Using this method requires that the initial dosing begin low, generally 40 mcg for men and 20 mcg for women, and will increase rapidly rapidly, generally every 2 days, and will reach max intake after the initial two weeks of dosing. After this is obtained, a rest period of two weeks will occur. As the next two week period begins, the dosing will pick right back up where it left off after use was discontinued at the maximum dose and will remain the same throughout the rest of the cycle. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off is the most commonly used method amongst users.
These two methods are not the ONLY ways, as there are always new and different methods being used however they are the most prevalent, tried and true methods amongst users throughout.
Maximum Clenbuterol Doses:
From reading this article, it should be quite easy to ascertain that clenbuterol is very precise and could be classified as “delicate” in terms of how to properly use. Clen should be cycled properly for not only safety and avoidance of short and long term side effects but that of efficacy as well. There are several possible side effects associated with clenbuterol use. Keeping all of this in mind, men should not exceed 140 mcg’s per day of clenbuterol use and women should not exceed 120. These doses should also not exceed 2 weeks of continuous use. Clenbuterol users should not use clen more than 16 weeks per calendar year. After completing a course of clen, a user should take 8-10 weeks off at the minimum although a longer rest period would be preferred.
Clenbuterol dosing is very intricate and needs to be taken seriously. The approaches listed above have been shown to be the safest and most effective methods. Deciding what is best will vary from person to person but needs to be taken with great precaution. Be wise in all decisions you make and always remember that NOTHING is more important than health and longevity.