Amateur Bodybuilder Testifies Jussie Smollett Wanted Him To “Fake Beat Him Up”

Bodybuilder Abimbola Osundairo testified Wednesday that Jussie Smollett arranged for fake attack.
Abimbola Osundairo is one of two bodybuilding brothers who were involved in the felony fraud case surrounding the fake attack on Jussie Smollett. On Wednesday, Osundairo testified that the “Empire” actor called to them to beat him up.
Osundairo, who is an aspiring actor himself, was told by Smollett that he could further his career.
“I believed he could help further my acting career,” Osundairo testified. “He told me that we would need another person to fake beat him up. He mentioned could my brother do it. I said yes.”
“I was confused,” Osundairo continued to testify. “Then he explained he wanted me to fake beat him up.”
Osundairo and his brother, Olabinjo, are fitness trainers that have known Jussie Smollett for several years. He claimed that the actor planned to have the brothers attack him and paid each $3,500, which was made out to seem like it was for training and nutritional services.
Despite the money, Osundairo admitted that he would have done the job for free, referencing the relationship that the two have had over the years. When asked about the ringleader for the incident, Osundairo admitted that Smollett was the brains behind the encounter.
“”We went over the details of what he wanted us to say and do.”
“He wants me to attack him, but he wanted me to pull the punch so I don’t hurt him, give him a bruise.” The final part of the plan would be to “pour bleach on him and then he would run away.”
Osundairo then said that Jussie Smollett wanted the footage of the attack for media. Prior to the fake attack, the two talked via Instagram message to remain updated. Smollett was on a delayed flight to Chicago and this forced the alleged attack to be pushed back.
Once it happened, the Osundairo brothers left for Nigeria, when Smollett kept contacting and checking on their status.
Court adjourned at 7 p.m. on Wednesday night but Osundairo was still on the stand. He was not crossed-examined that night.
Olabinjo Osundairo testified on Thursday morning and his story echoed that of his brother. Olabinjo confirmed that Smollett wanted to have bleach poured over him and a noose put around his neck. The actor gave the bodybuilding brothers $100 in order to pick up supplies for the attack.
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