Brad Castleberry: “Being Unhealthy But Looking Healthy Isn’t Cool”

Brad Castleberry goes into detail on why he changed his training methods to focus more on health than sculpted muscle.
The very core of bodybuilding is a healthy endeavor in line with fitness. But just like many things in fitness, it can become unhealthy depending on how far you take it. Professional bodybuilding and even modeling can put so much focus on perfecting the physique that it comes at the cost of traditional health standards. Some athletes are okay with taking that risk. But the general public might not realize that a shredded physique does not automatically mean the athlete is healthy. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brad Castleberry discusses completely changing his training method to focus on feeling good more than looking good.
Brad Castleberry may be a controversial figure in bodybuilding, but one thing that can’t be disputed is that he has an incredible physique. Whether he lifts fake weights or not – it takes hard work to accomplish that kind of shredded look. But during our new interview with Brad Castleberry, he wanted to focus on how he’s been making a change in his fitness life.
After years of ego lifting and powerlifting massive amounts of weight, Brad Castleberry is now focusing on lighter weight and more on cardio. His reasoning for this change is that he wants to focus more on feeling good than looking good. Sometimes the two can come hand in hand. Other times they can be at odds with each other. It depends on how far you want to push the boundaries of your body.
Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Brad Castleberry above!
Of course, pushing your limits is important towards making progress. It can also go too far and lead to injury or long term health issues. This all depends on what you are doing to achieve the look you desire. Mass monster bodybuilders make certain sacrifices to be massive muscular heroes. At the end of the day, weighing near 300 pounds is still unhealthy, regardless of whether it’s muscle or fat. It puts a strain on the body.
Brad Castleberry used to value sculpting his physique above all else. Now, years later, he’s changing his methods to focus on being healthy on the inside while also maintaining his physique. This might mean that he’ll not look as large or razor sharp as he used to. Brad is okay with that. He prefers the boosted energy of feeling good and healthy.
This of course ties into the often dangerous intersection of fitness and beauty. Whether it’s bodybuilding, being a model, or simply wanting to look as thin as possible – the desire to look good can lead to contorting fitness into some truly unhealthy habits. This can take the form of anorexia or bulimia. For bodybuilders it can lead to bigorexia.
You can watch Brad Castleberry go into detail about the battle between health and muscle in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!