Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 20: Fake Deaths & What Truly Defines Natural Bodybuilding?

Craig Golias discusses the misreported death of Victor Richards and his belief that SARMs users should still be considered natural athletes.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias reacts to the death… and then not death of legendary bodybuilder Victor Richards and also discusses where the line is drawn regarding substances in natural bodybuilding.
The past week we took a break from Talking Huge due to Craig Golias coming down with an illness (he’s okay). So we’re picking up a week later to catch up on all of the latest topics from the past two weeks. The two biggest headlines included the misreporting of Victor Richards’ death. A legendary bodybuilder who seemed to have passed away was reported by most news outlets. 24 hours later, those statements were retracted after confirmation from a family member that he was alive and well.
Craig Golias also takes a look at the Natural Olympia 2021 that happened just last weekend on November 13th. This sparks a discussion as to what truly defines a natural bodybuilder. Is it simply illegal substances? Or do other legal supplements count as “enhancing?” Not surprisingly, Craig has a rather unfiltered take. Let’s jump into it in a new episode of Talking Huge.
One Less Death In The Sport Of Bodybuilding
Two weeks ago, it was announced (including by Generation Iron) that Victor Richards had passed away. This was devastating news coming off the heels of Shawn Rhoden’s death as well as George Peterson’s passing. Ultimately, and happily, it turns out that Richards was not dead at all. Perhaps due to trigger happy reporting during a very tumultuous time for health in bodybuilding – a rumor seemingly was confirmed by many industry insiders. In the end, a family member directly confirmed with Generation Iron that the information was false – and that Richards was alive and well.
Craig Golias finds the entire idea of this false death absurd. He doesn’t understand how in any circumstance a person could accidentally think someone is dead. Who made the original statement that caught wind across news outlets? Why did so many close to Richards seem to confirm his death? Was it a prank? Some sort of rival trick to cause harm to Richards and his family? Or perhaps just a complete accident accelerated by the speed of the internet? In any such case, Craig found the entire situation absurd.
What Makes A Natural Bodybuilder?
Craig Golias also touches base with us about the recent Natural Olympia 2021. Craig doesn’t watch natural bodybuilding – so finds that entire subsection of the sport bizarre and confusing. Namely, what truly makes someone natural? What if someone used to be unnatural and then becomes natural? Do they have a pass? Do they still reap benefits from their past use?
Vlad Yudin also mentions that some people consider some supplements “unnatural” such as creatine. Craig Golias finds that idea laughable. In fact, he believes that even SARMs should be considered natural. While the legal reality behind SARMs is a bit murky – Craig thinks that SARMs are as natural as trees sprouting from the ground. He thinks the entire idea behind limiting what is natural and unnatural to be a bit of a joke.
Wrap Up
You can check out the full conversation in the latest episode of Talking Huge above. Theer were far more topics than could be covered in this article – including his regiment when ti comes to keeping track of macros and Craig’s favorite Thanksgiving food. Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!