Eddie Hall Says He’d Fight Jake Paul for the Right Price

Eddie Hall expresses interest in fighting Jake Paul.
It seems that everyone is looking to get into a fist fight these days. Eddie Hall already has a fight on his schedule against rival Hafthor “Thor” Bjornsson, yet his mind has already drifted to the possibilities after their showdown. With Jake Paul being such a loved and hated figure in this flourishing celebrity boxing game, Hall spoke about fighting the young upstart. According to what the 2017 World’s Strongest Man said in a recent video, he’d be more than willing to throw down against Paul.
Eddie Hall is staying true to his nature as a businessman. While battling against Thor would likely net him a major payday, the notion of fighting Jake Paul seems to have peaked Hall’s interest. After all, earning a cool million to fight Paul isn’t something to scoff at. It’s why former UFC fighter Ben Askren took up the challenge in the first place.
But after spending so much time training for his fight with Thor, Eddie Hall seems to be intrigued from a competitive stand point. While others are thinking about the payday, it appears that Hall has taken time to contemplate a battle with Jake Paul.
Eddie Hall vs Jake Paul?
“I would (fight Jake Paul) actually,” said Hall. “He’s actually surprised a lot of people, a lot of people laughed at Jake Paul. But he came out of the woodwork, he’s obviously trained very hard and he’s smashed his first victims in the ring, and he’s lined up a few more.”
The size difference between the two men would likely be a concern, but Hall has an answer for that as well.
“Massive size difference, but there is between me and Thor, and Mike Tyson is living proof that size doesn’t really matter in the ring. It’s about what you do in there, how fast you are, how powerful and agile you are. That’s what matters.”
While his point is noted, the weight difference between Jake Paul and Hall is insane. It’s far greater than between Hall and Thor. That said, if it means more eyes would be on the match, there’s a possibility that Paul would take the bait.
“So if the money is right, I would 100% fight Jake Paul,” Eddie Hall continued. “Why not? Good exposure for me, good exposure for him, and earn a few quid in doing so.
“I would probably want five minimum, 5 million. So yeah, I’d fight Jake Paul for 5 million. So Jake Paul bro, let’s get it on after Thor, eh?”
5 million dollars?! That’s a pretty hefty purse to say the least. That said, if the interest is there then that much money wouldn’t be out of the question.
Do you think a Eddie Hall vs Jake Paul match is possible? Would you want to see it?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.