TEST SUSPENSION: Do’s and Dont’s! #askDave

2:00 – Dave I’ve starting using testoylze and a healthy “trt” dosage at 400mg week and I’m shocked that I look better now then I did on dbol deca tren and anytnjng else.. what is going on? I feel a lot healthier too. What have I done wrong I don’t feel as though anything has changed
6:28 – What are your thoughts on statins vs natural treatments and dietary changes? Any preferences or brands?
9:28 – If you cut down on sets due overtraining,how can you tell if you’re doing enough sets for those body parts?Track by progression,if you feel more rested on a daily basis?
13:30 – Update on CARBOLYZE?
16:55 – What can I do to improve the production of total T3 if I am in the minimum parameter of the laboratory studies, and the TSH is a little high, I am a natural wellness athlete
19:57 – Have you ever and would you advice for the use of suspensions compared to fast-acting esters in bodybuilding?
23:06 – My question has to do with carbs and insulin dependence. This may also effect non diabetics as well. During strenuous lifting, Is it beneficial to maintain a higher blood sugar level during your training? I know protein intake is important for recovery, but how would carbs play a role in recovery as a diabetic or even someone who is not? If your sugar drops during training, what is a sustainable carb to eat instead of gulping soda and candy?
27:55 – There are 4 of 20 women under a single coach who all have kidney failure (3 stage 2 and 1 stage 3). All 100% natural bodybuilders of various ages from mid 20’s to mid 40’s. Supplements are standard (whey protein, mid range pre workouts, greens and some other over the counter things like multi vitamins etc). What could be some possible causes for this?
30:24 – How to get definition in legs.
34:02 – Reacting to Milos Sarcev’s body recomposition plan.
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